Flight information | Infovuelos | Aena

The flight information on this website is the most up to date available. It is based on confirmed flight information and the estimates provided by the airlines to Aena.

Aena makes all reasonable efforts to ensure the reliability and immediate updating of this information. If you require more information about a particular flight, consult the responsible airline.

For information on check-in times and how far in advance of the flight to arrive at the airport, we recommend you consult the airline that operates the flight.

If you are a passenger or companion and you consult the website prior to leaving for the airport, keep in mind that the flight information is updated in real-time and that it may change while you are on your way. Please contact your airline to confirm this information.

Bear in mind that all times are shown in local time.

Aena does not accept responsibility for any damages that may be incurred, either directly or indirectly, as a result of use of the air traffic information in this website.