Oral Histories
The focus of these projects is to conduct oral histories with members of the government information community who have devoted much of their careers to the field. The goals are to provide a better understanding of the history of government information librarianship and GODORT as well as gather information regarding the process and the progress of protecting free access to government-produced information.
Completed interviews
Judy Russell / Interview Conducted by Jennifer Paustenbaugh, February 16, 2007
Bernadine Abbott Hoduski / Interview Conducted by Larry Romans, January 25, 2009
Larry Romans / Interview Conducted by Tanya Finchum, January 25, 2009
Duncan Aldrich / Interview Conducted by Mary Larson, June 29, 2009
Fran Buckley / Interview Conducted by Bernadine Abbott Hoduski, July 12, 2009
Andrea Sevetson / Interview Conducted by Tanya Finchum, July 13, 2009
Grace York / Interview Conducted by Tanya Finchum, July 13, 2009
Mary Redmond / Interview Conducted by Cass Hartnett, October 18, 2010
Bill Sleeman / Interview Conducted by Cass Hartnett, October 17, 2011
Bill Olbrich / Interview Conducted by Linda Johnson, February 15, 2012
Fireside Chats - 2015/16
The Fireside Chats were conversations between GODORT leaders and members to address the future of the round table.
Recording of September 4, 2015 Fireside Chat with GODORT Chair and Past Chair
Recording of October 9, 2015 Chat with Task Force Coordinators