Welcome to Alix Dobkin's Website

In 1973, with Kay Gardner and Marilyn Ries, I produced Lavender Jane Loves Women, the very first album by, for and about Lesbians in the history of the world. From then until now, I have focused on the lives, concerns and perspectives of women who love women.

Gene Knapp

Kay Gardner, Pat Moschetta, and Alix Dobkin at a recording session in 1973.

The original Lavender Jane—Kay Gardner, Pat Moschetta (aka Patches Attom), and Alix Dobkin—at a 1973 performance.

Most commonly defined as "music by, for, & about women," the category of Women's Music has been entertaining and enlightening a vast network of Lesbians, our friends and supporters at concerts, festivals, conferences, gatherings and parties, on vinyl, tape, disc, and songbook since the early 1970s.

Now my focus is often on my 3 grandchildren (Thank you, Adrian and Chris!)

Grandson Lucca, son-in-law Chris, grandson Marly, daughter Adrian, granddaughter Sorella, with Emma in front
Photo by Juliet Lofaro

Grandson Lucca, son-in-law Chris, grandson Marly, daughter Adrian, granddaughter Sorella, with Emma in front.

Alix in 1980
Photo by Carol Newhouse

Alix at Michigan Womyn's Music Festival in 1980


-- and promoting MY RED BLOOD, A Memoir of Growing Up Communist, Coming Onto the Greenwich Village Folk Scene, & Coming Out in the Feminist Movement, published by Alyson Books, October 12, 2009.

My Red Blood Book Cover

"Alix Dobkin's My Red Blood is a magnifying glass on a revolution in music, culture, and politics. Here's the sixties from someone who remembers EVERYTHING!"
— John Sebastian

Watch a video of an interview with Alix Dobkin.
On the landing page, search the archives for "Alix Dobkin". Watch an Interview with Alix Dobkin