Hon'ble Mr. Harish Chandra Mittal
Graduated in Law. Born on 16th July, 1929. Worked as Munsif from February 1956 to March, 1956. Additional Munsif from March, 1956 to July, 1957. Munsif from July, 1957 to November, 1962, Addl. Civil Judge from November, 1962 to July, 1968, Judge Small Cause Court from July, 1968 to September, 1969, Temporary Civil & Sessions Judge from September, 1969 to April, 1974, Civil & Sessions Judge from April, 1974 to May, 1974, Additional District and Sessions Judge from May, 1974 to August, 1979, Member Cooperative Tribunal, Lucknow from August, 1979 to September, 1982, District & Sessions Judge from September, 1982 to 1986. Worked as Chairman, Sales Tax Tribunal, Uttar Pradesh. Appointed permanent Judge of the Allahabad High Court on 31.7.1987. Retired on July 16th, 1991.