Dhammapada Home Page
A Pāḷi and English line by line (interlinear) version of this collection of 423 Dhamma verses, along with a discussion of their meaning and their collection.
Html Table of Contents
1. The Chapter about the Pairs (1-20)
2. The Chapter about Heedfulness (21-32)
3. The Chapter about the Mind (33-43)
4. The Chapter about Flowers (44-59)
5. The Chapter about Fools (60-75)
6. The Chapter about the Wise (76-89)
7. The Chapter about the Arahats (90-99)
8. The Chapter about the Thousands (100-115)
9. The Chapter about Wickedness (116-128)
10. The Chapter about the Stick (129-145)
11. The Chapter about Old Age (146-156)
12. The Chapter about the Self (157-166)
13. The Chapter about the World (167-178)
14. The Chapter about the Buddha (179-196)
15. The Chapter about Happiness (197-208)
16. The Chapter about Love (209-220)
17. The Chapter about Anger (221-234)
18. The Chapter about Stains (235-255)
19. The Chapter about One who stands by Dhamma (256-272)
20. The Chapter about the Path (273-289)
21. The Miscellaneous Chapter (290-305)
22. The Chapter about the Underworld (306-319)
23. The Chapter about the Elephant (320-333)
24. The Chapter about Craving (334-359)
25. The Chapter about Monastics (360-382)