The Encyclopedia of Collectibles, Oak Furniture to Pharmacist - Book

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  3. The Encyclopedia of Collectibles, Oak Furniture to Pharmacist

The following directory includes quite a number of related books that have been published to date:


The Encyclopedia of Collectibles, Oak Furniture to Pharmacist


Time Life Books

ISBN or Amazon #:



Hard Cover


Time Life

International Arcade Museum Library - Holdings: Yes

Availability: - Status: Visit the site to check availability. - Has a large selection of in-print and out-of print books.

Prices for in-print publications should be comparable from vendor to vendor. For scarce, out-of-print titles, prices will likely vary a lot. We suggest checking out eBay first (least likely to have it but mostly likely to be a bargain), and then the other three sites for full availability and pricing information.

If you purchase from eBay or Amazon, they make a small financial contribution that helps support this site. The other two are listed here for free as we are happy to provide this service to our visitors and to these family run companies which have both greatly contributed to the coin-op community.

The Encyclopedia of Collectibles, Oak Furniture to Pharmacist book cover

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