Container Port Moves to Barcadera | Aruba Ports Authority
Aruba Ports Authority Completes Bidding Process
APA Mudamento di Waf di carga pa Barcadera.
With great satisfaction Aruba Ports Authority N.V. announced this afternoon that they have completed the final phase of the tender process and are ready to begin the necessary work to move the container port to Barcadera. After careful review and completion of the customary bidding procedures the time has come to begin Aruba’s US $ 62 million dollar project to Design, Build, Finance, Maintain, Operate, and Transfer the Multi-Cargo Sea Terminal at Barcadera.
The timeline of the process of this undertaking dates all the way back to the year 1994. The development entails much more than just the moving of the container port, however for the Aruba Ports Authority N.V. the current task began with the first tender process for the concession contract publicized on February 15th, 2011. After careful review and evaluation, the contract was awarded to the local stevedoring company Aruba Stevedoring Company (ASTEC) NV. The project will be implemented as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) under the Landlord Model. The concessionaire will be responsible for the investments in terminal infrastructure, labor, and operational activities.
The second public tender was announced on February 1st, 2013 for the refurbishing of the existing quay wall and the installation of anchors, bollards, fendering, and a separate on-land-mooring-dolphin, the construction of a new quay wall extension, and the placement of breasting dolphins. Other activities consisting of dredging and construction of a scour protection at the bottom in front of the quay was also part of the total scope of work. On September 11th , 2013 APA accepted the proposal of the American Bridge company who will be working with the local companies ALBO/Arubaanse Wegenbouw Maatschappij.
The port’s vision is to realize a project with guaranteed sustainability. This project is thus of vital importance for diversification of Aruba’s economy and its future growth.
The moving of the container port is expected to generate new opportunities for the container port and the Freezone and also for Aruba’s cruise port in Oranjestad which will be able to undergo the necessary development to accommodate more cruise lines and cruise visitors during our high-season, generating additional revenue for our country.
Aruba Ports Authority N.V. congratulates the Aruban community with one of the largest industrial undertakings during the last two decades, and wishes to thank all parties involved in assisting, advising, and supporting these efforts directly and indirectly. We would like to express our gratitude to the minister responsible for our port, Minister of Finances and Utilities, Mr. Mike De Meza, and Prime Minister of Aruba, Mr. Mike Eman for their support. Aruba Ports Authority N.V. congratulates the Aruban community with this, the largest industrial undertaking during the last two decades, and wishes to thank all parties involved in assisting, advising, and supporting these efforts directly and indirectly. We would like to express our gratitude to the minister responsible for our port, Minister of Finances and Utilities, Mr. Mike De Meza, and Prime Minister of Aruba, Mr. Mike Eman for their support.
Images Week 7 – 2015
- Rebar and form-work being placed and prepared for pouring section 20.
- Grinding on existing block section 21 completed, being surveyed for elevations.
- Excavation and placing for new quay wall anchor blocks ongoing.
- Placing and tensioning of anchor rods, 10 rods installed and torqued.
Images Week 23 – 2014
- American Bridge finish installation of pile number 16 out of 57.
- American Bridge is finalizing installation of temporary bollard in phase 1
- AWM Continue with demolition of exiting coping in phase 1
- Arrival of bottom protection rock
- AWM Continue with backfilling for land reclamation in phase 1
Images Week 14 – 2014
After completing the dredging cleaning in front of exiting quay wall and in front of existing RO-RO ramp American Bridge finalized setting an alignment of pile casing templates.
American Bridge started with digging and installation of pile casings, 4 out of 57
Meanwhile subcontractor ALBO continued with site offices and equipment mobilization and started with preparation of reinforcement for dead man anchorage system.
Images Week 13 – 2014
Images Week 12 – 2014
Images Week 11 – 2014
- American Bridge continues to prepare heavy equipment including, barge assembly and welding of sections.
- Site preparation and tool container staging.
- Arrival of piles and sheet piles from the Netherlands for the new combi wall.
- Off-loading and staging of materials by ASTEC and American Bridge.
Images Week 8
APA a completa ultimo fase di e destaho publico
Waf di carga ta muda pa Barcadera
Cu un sentido di satisfaccion grandi awe APA su gerencia ta anuncia cu a yega e final di e destaho publico pa e proyecto di mudamento di Waf di carga di Oranjestad pa Barcadera. E proceso di preparacion y realisacion di destaho publico pa e proyecto grandi aki, cual ta encera e mudamento di e Terminal di Contenedor pa Barcadera, a tuma su debido tempo y esfuerzo pa a yega asina leu awe cu por anuncia cu e ultimo fase a ser completa.
E historia di e plannan pa desaroyo di Barcadera ta largo datando for di 1994, y ta mas amplio cu solamente e construccion di un waf multi-carga. Pero pa APA e proyecto actual a inicia cu e publicacion di e destaho pa e contrato di concesion dia 15 di februari 2011. Despues di un trayectoria di evaluacion intensivo, finalmente a otorga e contrato di concesion na e compania local Aruba Stevedoring Company (ASTEC) NV, cu lo bay maneha e waf di multi-carga na Barcadera.
E di dos destaho publico den e proyecto a inicia dia 1 di februari di 2013, cu tabata regarda e contrato di construccion bou di encargo di APA. Diaranson dia 11 di september 2013, despues di un proceso di hopi analisis, negociacion y evaluacion, APA a acepta e oferta di e compania American Bridge, cu localmente lo traha cu ALBO/Arubaanse Wegenbouw Maatschappij, pa construccion di e infrastructura maritimo.
APA su vision semper tabata pa realisa e proyecto cu garantia di exito sostenibel pa futuro. E proyecto di mudamento di e waf ta di vital importancia pa e diversificacion y expansion di Aruba su oportunidadnan economico.
E proyecto di mudamento di e waf mester diversifica nos economia di tal manera cu e efecto lo genera impacto positivo riba e desaroyo y oportunidadnan nobo pa e waf di carga y pa Zona Liber na Barcadera. Alabes e mester tin un efecto positivo den desaroyo y progreso di e industria crucero cual lo traduci su mes den aumento di barconan cu ta bishita nos waf di Oranjestad, cu consecuentemente, ta aumenta e impacto economico directo y indirecto pa nos pais.
E ta conta cu un inversion total substancial di Afl. 110 miyon. ASTEC lo inverti entre otro den ekiponan portuario, infrastructura, superstructura di e terminal di carga, mientras cu APA lo inverti entre otro den ekiponan naviero, mueye, dragado y reclamacion di tera. Hunto e ta resulta den e desaroyo industrial di un waf cu mester sirbi generacionnan pa bin.
Pesey den e proceso di destaho publico APA mester a tene cuenta cu hopi factor, principalmente e interes general di Aruba y di e empresa estatal di Aruba, pero tambe sin kita afo e interes comercial y posibilidad tambe di cualkier operador of interesado cu kier participa den e proyecto. Un no por a limita e otro y ta aki APA mester manaha un ekilibrio husto den tur aspecto y interes.
E wafnan di Aruba mester bira wafnan di futuro sin cu structuranan of contractnan di pasado ta limita su posibilidadnan di desaroyo y crecemento. Pesey APA y su hunta di comisario y gobierno como accionista di e empresa, tabata debidamente prudente den maneho di e proyecto aki pa garantisa pueblo di Aruba un bon proyecto cu oportunidad pa crecemento y diversificacion di nos economia creando asina tambe empleo stabiel pa nos trahadonan.
APA ta desea di felicita e pueblo di Aruba cu e logro aki y reconoce y gradici alabes tur e partidonan interesa y e conseheronan cu a aporta na forma directo of indirecto na e proyecto aki, tanto recientemente como den pasado. Un palabra di gratitud special ta bay pa Minister Mike de Meza encarga cu APA y Minister President Mike Eman pa nan sosten pa haci esaki bira posibel. Pueblo di Aruba awor si Waf di carga ta bay muda pa Barcadera y waf di Oranjestad lo bira un waf di Crucero y den futuro di yatenan grandi turistico.