Annona muricata L.

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  • ️Thu Dec 01 2016


Common Names:
Katu-anoda, Katu-attha (S)
Mul-annamunna (T)
Prickly custard apple, Soursop (E)
Sitaphal (Sa)

Traditional Knowledge

Useful plant parts :
Fruit, young leaf and flower

Uses in traditional medicine :

  • Fruit is edible and used as a remedy for cancers, urinary diseases, to dissolve kidney stones, to treat nerve disorders and food poisoning (fish and meat)
  • Fruit sap is used to cleanse wounds and suppuration of boils
  • Crushed young leaves are applied to get rid of head lice
  • Ground flowers are applied for skin diseases

Scientific Research

Chemical constituents:

Annonaceous acetogenins: muricin H and I, muricoreacin, murisolin, murihexocin C, annonacin, annonacinone, annomontacin, cis-annomontacin, cis-corossolone, xylomaticin, annocatalin, solamin, annomuricin A from seeds, leaves and dried pericarp

Bioactivity :

Ethyl acetate extract of pericarp: antileishmanial activity; aqueous extract of leaves: protects and preserves pancreatic β-cell integrity; muricoreacin and murihexocin C: antitumour activity against pancreatic and colon carcinoma; ethanol extract of stem bark: inhibits cytopathic effect of Herpes simplex virus


Note :

Ripe fruits are edible

Caution : Seeds are poisonous

References :

Adewole, S. O. and Martins, E. A. C., (2006), Morphological Changes and Hypoglycemic Effects of Annona Muricata Linn. (Annonaceae) Leaf Aqueous Extract on Pancreatic Β-Cells of Streptozotocin-Treated Diabetic Rats, African Journal of Biomedical Research, 9, 173-187.

Jaramilloa, M. C. et al., (2000), Cytotoxicity and antileishmanial activity of Annona muricata pericarp, Fitoterapia, 71(2), 183-186.

Kim, J. S. et al., Muricoreacin and murihexocin C, mono-tetrahydrofuran acetogenins from the leaves of Annona muricata in honour of professor G. H. Neil Towers 75th birthday, Phytochemistry, 49(2), 565-571.

Liaw, C. C. et al., (2002), New Cytotoxic Monotetrahydrofuran Annona- ceous Acetogenins from Annona muricata, Journal of Natural products, 65(4), 470-475.

Padma, P. et al., (1998), Effect of the extract of Annona muricata and Petunia nyctaginiflora on Herpes simplex virus, Journal of Ethnopharma- cology, 61(1), 81-83.

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