Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.). B. Heyneex Roth
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- ️Tue Nov 22 2016
Traditional Knowledge
Useful plant parts :
Whole plant
Uses in traditional medicine :
- Leaf paste mixed with the powdered black gram, crushed onion and egg white is applied over fractured bones
- Whole plant in mixtures of other herbs is used in bone fracture healing
- Used in leucoderma
- Useful in the treatment for mental derangement
- Considered as an aphrodisiac, attenuant, diuretic, resolvent, expectorant and deobstruent
Scientific Research
Chemical constituents:
Bioactivity :
Leaf extract: wound healing; extracts of plant: antioxidative, antiproliferative
References : Pandikumar, P. et al., (2011), Consensus of local knowledge on medicinal plants among traditional healers in Mayiladumparai block of Theni District, Tamil Nadu, India, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 134(2), 354-362. Rajasekaran, A. et al., (2012), Role of Blepharis maderaspatensis and Ammannia baccifera plant extracts on in vitro oxygen radical scavenging, secretion of gastric fluid and gastroprotection on ulcer induced rats, Pharm Biol, 50(9), 1085-95.
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