The Taxpayer's Watchdog
Taxpayers’ Watchdog
The Office of Auditor of State serves the citizens of Iowa as the “taxpayers’ watchdog.” We provide accurate and timely audits of the financial operations of Iowa’s state and local governments to help ensure that government is open and accountable to its citizens.
Constitutional Official
The Auditor of State is a constitutional official, elected every four years. The Auditor is required to annually make a complete audit of the books, records and accounts of every department of state government.
Auditor’s Responsibilities
The Auditor of State has responsibility for audits of counties, cities, school districts and other governmental subdivisions and is required to provide guidance to CPA firms performing such audits.
RFP Bids
The Office of Auditor of State will post notice of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for various audit services on this page. A RFP for City Periodic Examinations will be issued at least annually. Additional RFPs will be issued as necessary. Please check this page recurrently if interested in bidding.
Our Mission
To serve as the Taxpayers' Watchdog. Our work is to help ensure government officials use taxpayer dollars for the intended purposes to benefit the public.