Ford (Germany) Escort 1gen data and specifications catalogue

specifications line

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Catalogue of Ford (Germany) models

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specifications line

Ford (Germany) Escort 1st generation specifications: versions & types

Ford model Escort 1st generation belongs to compact / small family car class. Represents the "C (medium cars, compact)" market segment. The car was offered with 2/4-door sedan, station wagon body shapes between the years 1968 and 1974.
Cars were equipped with range of engines of 1098 - 1993 cc (67.1 - 122 cui) displacement, delivering 29.5 - 73.5 kW (40 - 100 PS, 40 - 99 hp) of power.
Ford (Germany) Escort 1st generation is constructionally closely related also to FORD ESCORT (GB) Mk I.


Base model:

Ford (Germany) Escort 1st generation

compact / small family car - 2/4-door sedan, station wagon

years 1968 - 1974

Ford Escort Limousine (1968-1974)

Cars belonging to Ford Escort Limousine submodel, manufactured or offered in the years 1968-1974 with sedan body type, equipped with engines of 1098 - 1298 cc (67.1 - 79.3 cui) displacement, delivering 29.5 - 60 kW (40 - 82 PS, 40 - 80 hp) of horsepower:

Example car data page: 1968 Ford Escort 1300 S ( © PZ™)

specifications line

Ford Escort RS (1973-1974)

Cars belonging to Ford Escort RS submodel, manufactured or offered in the years 1973-1974 with sedan body type, equipped with engines of 1993 cc (122 cui) displacement, delivering 73.5 kW (100 PS, 99 hp) of horsepower:

Example car data page: 1973 Ford Escort RS 2000 ( © PZ™)

specifications line

Ford Escort Turnier (1968-1974)

Cars belonging to Ford Escort Turnier submodel, manufactured or offered in the years 1968-1974 with station wagon body type, equipped with engines of 1098 - 1298 cc (67.1 - 79.3 cui) displacement, delivering 29.5 - 48 kW (40 - 65 PS, 40 - 64 hp) of horsepower:

photo coming soon

specifications line
