Lotus 340R data and specifications catalogue

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specifications line

Lotus 340R specifications: versions & types

Lotus model 340R belongs to sports roadster / converible class. Represents the "S (sport cars)" market segment. The car was offered with roadster body shapes between the years 1998 and 1999.
Cars were equipped with engines of 1795 cc (109.7 cui) displacement, delivering 126.5 - 145.5 kW (172 - 198 PS, 170 - 195 hp) of power.


Base model:

Lotus 340R

sports roadster / converible - roadster

years 1998 - 1999

Lotus 340R (1999-1999)

Cars belonging to Lotus 340R submodel, manufactured or offered in the years 1999-1999 with roadster body type, equipped with engines of 1795 cc (109.7 cui) displacement, delivering 132 - 145.5 kW (180 - 198 PS, 177 - 195 hp) of horsepower:

Example car data page: 1999 Lotus 340R ( Lotus)

specifications line

Lotus 340R Concept (1998-1998)

Cars belonging to Lotus 340R Concept submodel, manufactured or offered in the years 1998-1998 with roadster body type, equipped with engines of 1795 cc (109.7 cui) displacement, delivering 126.5 kW (172 PS, 170 hp) of horsepower:

Example car data page: 1998 Lotus 340R Concept ( Lotus)

specifications line
