Polski Fiat 125p Coupe Prototype data and specifications catalogue

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Polski Fiat model 125p Coupe Prototype belongs to sports car class. Represents the "S (sport cars)" market segment. The car is a Prototype.


Base model:

Polski Fiat 125p Coupe Prototype

sports car - fastback coupe

Polski Fiat 125p Coupe Prototype (1971-1971)

Cars belonging to Polski Fiat 125p Coupe Prototype submodel, manufactured or offered in the years 1971-1971 with fastback coupe body type, equipped with engines of 1481 cc (90.3 cui) displacement, delivering 66 kW (90 PS, 89 hp) of horsepower:

Example car data page: 1971 Polski Fiat 125p Coupe ( © PZ™)

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