Puma GTB data and specifications catalogue

specifications line

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Catalogue of Puma models

Puma AM1


Puma AM2


Puma AM3


Puma AM4


Puma AMV


Puma GT (DKW) (P1)


Puma GT (VW) (P2)


Puma GT 4 R


Puma GTC


Puma GTE (P3)


Puma GTI


Puma GTS


Puma P-018


specifications line

Puma GTB specifications: versions & types

Puma model GTB belongs to sports car class. Represents the "S (sport cars)" market segment. The car was offered with fastback coupe body shapes between the years 1974 and 1984. A major change ("face lift") during a model run occurred in 1978.
Cars were equipped with range of engines of 2471 - 4093 cc (150.8 - 249.8 cui) displacement, delivering 59.5 - 125.8 kW (81 - 171 PS, 80 - 169 hp) of power.


Base model:

Puma GTB

sports car - fastback coupe

years 1974 - 1984

specifications line
