Löhne (Westf) station
Real-time information on train departures and arrivals and other information on mobility services at the station
Overview of the next departing and arriving trains
Notices on train departures as PDF
Detailed information on parking facilities and fees
Available at this station:
- Bicycle parking
- Taxi rank
Information for a pleasant stay and a relaxed onward journey can be found here
Address:Löhne (Westfalen), Bünder Str. 7, 3 2 5 8 4 Löhne
Orientation plan for the station, the platform and the surrounding area
Information about available elevators and possible malfunctions
Even if you are limited in your mobility – it is important to us that you reach your destination well
Available at this station:
- WC
We will help you – on site at the station as well as digitally
Contact persons and contact options for questions or feedback on our train stations
Hello, my name is DB Smile. I am your digital assistant and help with questions about the station