Ships of J. Samuel White Cowes, Isle of Wight, England
Picture of ships built by J. Samuel White, Cowes, Isle of Wight
(Click on an image to get a larger version)
ORP Blyskawica -
Polish distroyer - launched 1936
- picture
from (no longer on line)
ORP Blyskawica
with sister ship ORP Grom
- picture
from (no longer on line)
HMS Abdiel
minelayer - commissioned 1941
(thanks to Don Hickman for supplying
image of correct HMS Abdiel)
HMS Arethusa
Type 12M Leander Class
commissioned 24th November 1965
sunk - used as target June 1991
the last warship to be built at the Cowes shipyard
HMS Carysfort
'C' type "Caesar" Class destroyer commissioned
HMS Cavalier
'C' type "Caesar" Class destroyer commissioned