v.67=ser.2:v.14 (1840-1841) [no.3795-3879] - Curtis's botanical magazine - Biodiversity Heritage Library
- ️Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust.
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- Pages
- Table of Contents
Curtis's botanical magazine
Curtis, William, 1746-1799
Hooker, Joseph Dalton, 1817-1911
Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, 1785-1865
Prain, D. (David), 1857-1944
Stapf, O. (Otto) 1857-1933
Bentham-Moxon Trust.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Royal Horticultural Society (Great Britain)
Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust
Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust.
London, Academic Press [etc.],
Missouri Botanical Garden
Copyright Status:
Public domain. The BHL considers that this work is no longer under copyright protection.