v.9:pt.1-12 (1952-1956:Oct.-Apr.) - The Bulletin of zoological nomenclature - Biodiversity Heritage Library
- ️International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
Proposed use of the plenary powers to put an end to the confusion arising from the discordant use of the generic name Colymbus Linnaeus, 1758
Vol 9, Page 6, Date 1952
Report on the problems raised by the generic name Colymbus Linnaeus, 1758 (Class Aves)
Vol 9, Page 8, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the trivial name caspicus Hablizl, 1783 (as published in the binominal combination Colymbus caspicus) (Class Aves)
Vol 9, Page 30, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress four trivial names for birds published by Anton August Heinrich Lichtenstein in 1793
Vol 9, Page 32, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the trivial name nortoniensis Gmelin, 1789 (as published in the binominal combination Fringilla nortoniensis (Class Aves))
Vol 9, Page 38, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the trivial name elegans Gould, 1837 (as published in the binominal combination Malurus elegans) (Class Aves)
Vol 9, Page 44, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress for nomenclatorial purposes a paper by Forster (J. R.) containing new names for certain Australian birds published in 1794 in volume 5 of the "Magazin von merkwürdigen neuen Reise Beschreibungen"
Vol 9, Page 45, Date 1952
On the question whether it is necessary that the plenary powers should be used to suppress the trivial name novaehollandiae Latham, 1790 (as published in the combination Muscicapa novaehollandiae) in order to make available the trivial name chrysops Lath
Vol 9, Page 47, Date 1952
Support by the standing committee on ornithological nomenclature of the international ornithological congress for the proposals submitted by Dr. Ernst Mayr and others for the use of the plenary powers to suppress for nomenclatorial purposes a paper conta
Vol 9, Page 50, Date 1952
On the application relating to the generic names Pyrrhocorax Tunstall, 1771 and Coracia Brisson, 1760 (Class Aves), submitted by the Standing Committee on Ornithological Nomenclature of the International Ornithological Nomenclature
Vol 9, Page 54, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the trivial name Philomelos Brehm, 1831 (as published in the binominal combination Turdus philomelos) as the trivial name of the Song Thrush
Vol 9, Page 62, Date 1952
On the proposed use of the plenary powers to secure that the trivial name philomelos Brehm, 1831 (as published in the binominal combination Turdus philomelos) shall be oldest available name for the Song Thrush
Vol 9, Page 63, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress three completely overlooked trivial names applied by Linnaeus to North American birds in 1776, together with an equally overlooked generic name published on the same occasion
Vol 9, Page 65, Date 1952
On the proposal by the nomenclature committee of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, for the suppression under the plenary powers of the Linnean names published in 1776 in the "Catalogue of Edwards' Natural History" with spec
Vol 9, Page 68, Date 1952
First report on the species which under the "Regles" are the type species of certain genera of birds discussed, but left unsettled, in "Opinion" 16
Vol 9, Page 70, Date 1952
Type species of certain genera of birds, discussed, but left unsettled, in "Opinion" 16: support for proposals submitted in the Secretary's report
Vol 9, Page 76, Date 1952
Proposed addition to the Official list of specific trivial names in zoology of the trivial names of two Siberian birds
Vol 9, Page 77, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to secure that the name Columba migratoria Linnaeus, 1766, shall be the oldest available name for the Passenger Pigeon, the type species of the genus Ectopistes Swainson, 1827
Vol 9, Page 80, Date 1952
Suggested review of the entries on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology of the entries relating to the names Oedicnemus Temminck, 1815, and Burhinus Illiger, 1811 (Class Aves)
Vol 9, Page 86, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress four generic names for birds published by Brisson in 1760 which have long been overlooked and which invalidate as homonyms four names placed on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology (Correction of er
Vol 9, Page 89, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the name Gallinago Brisson, 1760 (Class Aves) and proposed substitution of Capella Frenzel, 1801 for Gallinago Koch, 1816, on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology (Proposed correction of an erroneou
Vol 9, Page 93, Date 1952
Proposed addition to the Official List of Specific Trivial Names in Zoology of the trivial name syriacus Rothschild, 1910 (as published in the combination Struthio camelus syriacus), the trivial name of the Syrian Ostrich (Class Aves)
Vol 9, Page 96, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the name Tyrannula Swainson, 1827, and to designate a type species for Myiobius Darwin, 1839 (class Aves)
Vol 9, Page 98, Date 1952
Support for the proposal for the use of the plenary powers to suppress the generic name Tyrannula Swainson, 1827 (Class Aves)
Vol 9, Page 101, Date 1952
Request for a ruling that the trivial names of two woodpeckers, each consisting of a slight variant of a previously published name based upon a word transliterated into the Latin alphabet from a language using another alphabet be treated as junior homony
Vol 9, Page 102, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the trivial name cyanea Vieillot, 1818 (as published in the combination Muscicapa cyanea) for the purpose of validating the trivial name cyanea Hume, 1877 (as published in the combination Muscitrea cyanea)
Vol 9, Page 104, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the trivial name ferruginea Hodgson, 1845 (as published in the combination Hemichelidon ferruginea) by the suppression of the trivial name ferruginea Merrem, 1784 (as published in the combination Muscicapa f
Vol 9, Page 105, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to correct an. erroneous entry relating to the name Astacus Pallas, 1772 (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda), made in the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology in Opinion 104
Vol 9, Page 113, Date 1952
On the action which it is desirable should be taken to correct the erroneous entry relating to the Name "Astacus" Pallas, 1772 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda) made in the "Official List of generic names in Zoology" by "Opinion" 104
Vol 9, Page 118, Date 1952
Proposed uso of the plenary powers to validate the name Favus Lanchestor, 1900 (Class Crustacea, Order Deoapoda) (Proposed correction of an error in Opinion 73)
Vol 9, Page 119, Date 1952
Support for the proposed use of the plenary powers to validate the entry on the Official List of Generic names in Zoology of the name Favus Lanchester, 1900 (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda)
Vol 9, Page 121, Date 1952
Proposed addition of the generic names Portunus Weber, 1795 and Macropipus Prestandrea, 1833 (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda) to the Official List of Generic names in Zoology
Vol 9, Page 122, Date 1952
Support for Dr. L. B. Holthuis' proposals relating to the generic name Portunus Weber, 1795 (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda)
Vol 9, Page 127, Date 1952
Proposed retention of the trivial name dentalus Diesing, 1839 (as published in the combination Stephanurus dentatus) Class Nematoda
Vol 9, Page 141, Date 1952
On the problem relating to the name Stephanurus Diesing, 1839 (Class Nematoda) raised by Dr. Ellsworth C. Dougherty
Vol 9, Page 143, Date 1952
Support for Dr. Laurence M. Klauber's proposals for the use of the plenary powers to validate the trivial names atrox Baird & Girard, 1853, as published in the combination Crotalus atrox and polysticta Cope, 1865, as published in the combination
Vol 9, Page 156, Date 1952
Support for the Gans-Loveridge proposal for the use of the plenary powers to validate the generic name Dasypeltis Wagler, 1830 (Class Reptilia)
Vol 9, Page 157, Date 1952
Support for Dr. J. Wyatt Durham's proposal for the use of the plenary powers to validate the generic name Mellita as from Agassiz, 1841 (Class Echinoidea)
Vol 9, Page 158, Date 1952
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the specific name "brouni" Hutton, 1901, as published in the combination "Drosophila brouni," for the purpose of preserving the specific name "immigrans" Sturtevant, 1921, as published in the combination "Drosophila immigrans" (class Insecta, order Diptera)
Vol 9, Page 161, Date 1954
Proposed use of the Plenary Powers to validate the specific name "pruni" Geoffroy, 1762, as published in the combination "Aphis pruni" (class Insecta, order Hemiptera)
Vol 9, Page 163, Date 1954
Proposed addition to the “Official list of specific names in zoology” of the specific name “pini” Linnaeus, 1758, as published in the binomial combination “Aphis pini” and as interpreted by de Geer (1773) (class Insecta, order Hemiptera)
Vol 9, Page 166, Date 1954
On the need for validating the name Stentor Oken, 1815 (Class Ciliophora) for use in its accustomed sense
Vol 9, Page 208, Date 1954
Request for a ruling on the question of the type species of Ancilla Lamarck, 1799
Vol 9, Page 219, Date 1954
Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress Palmato-triton Smith 1945
Vol 9, Page 247, Date 1954
Proposed use of the plenary powers to designate (i) a neotype for the nominal species Ammonites mammillatus Schlotheim, 1813 and (ii) a type species for the genus Douvilleiceras De Grossouvre, 1893 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea)
Vol 9, Page 250, Date 1954
Application for a ruling that works credited to S. A. Renier as of the dates 1804 and 1807 were not published within the meaning of article 25 of the "Regles."
Vol 9, Page 257, Date 1954
Supplementary application concerning the suppression of works by S. A. Renier (1804 and 1807)
Vol 9, Page 265, Date 1954
Proposed adoption of a declaration that a generic or specific name based solely upon the aptychus of an ammonite (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea) be excluded from availability under article 27 of the "Regles" and proposed suppression of ce
Vol 9, Page 266, Date 1954
Request that the generic name Notropis Rafinesque. 1818 (Class Osteichthyes Order Cyprinida, Family Cyprinidae) be placed on the Official list of generic names in Zoology: question of possible use of the commission's plenary powers to determine the
Vol 9, Page 272, Date 1954
Objection to the Bailey/Miller proposal that the generic name Notropis Rafinesque, 1818 (Class Osteichthyes) should be treated as being of the masculine gender, and counter-proposal, that this name be accepted as being of the feminine gender
Vol 9, Page 274, Date 1954
Proposed use of the plenary powers to vary the type species of the genus Cheloniceras Hyatt, 1903 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea), in order to validate existing nomenclatorial practice
Vol 9, Page 278, Date 1954
Proposed use of the plenary powers for the purpose of validating the specific name minimus Miller (J. S.) 1826, as published in the combination Belemnites minimus
Vol 9, Page 284, Date 1954
Report on the question of the generic name to be used for the Virginia Deer of North America and tho Fallow Deer of Europe
Vol 9, Page 293, Date 1954
Proposed validation, under the plenary powers, of the generic name Helicella Ferussac, 1821
Vol 9, Page 301, Date 1954
Proposed use of the Plenary Powers to validate the generic name "Discias" Rathbun, 1902 (class Crustacea, order Decapoda)
Vol 9, Page 332, Date 1952
Objection to the proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the generic name Caenisites Buckman (S. S.), 1925
Vol 9, Page 346, Date 1954
Comment on the proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the generic name Caenisites Buckman (S. S.) 1925
Vol 9, Page 348, Date 1954