ser.4:v.15=no.85-90 (1875) - The Annals and magazine of natural history - Biodiversity Heritage Library
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- Pages
- Table of Contents
III.—Descriptions of two new species of Crustacea from New Zealand
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 41, Date 1875
IV.—Note on a new provisional genus of Carboniferous Polyzoa
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 43, Date 1875
V.—On the Madagascar river-hog (Potamochœrus), and on the skulls of the three species of the genus
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 45, Date 1875
VI.—On new species of bivalve Mollusca found at Cumana, Venezuela
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 49, Date 1875
VII.—Notice of some marine shells found on the shores of Trinidad
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 50, Date 1875
VIII.—Notes on the Palæozoic bivalved Entomostraca. No. XI. Some Carboniferous Ostracoda from Russia
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 52, Date 1875
XII.—On a new Motella from Norway
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 82, Date 1875
On the embryogeny of the Rhizocephala
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 83, Date 1875
On the circulatory apparatus of the Echinida
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 84, Date 1875
Embryology of the Ctenophora
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 87, Date 1875
Notice of papers on embryology by A. Kowalevsky
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 92, Date 1875
On the relationship of the Vertebrata and Annelida
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 94, Date 1875
Segmental organs in adult Selachia
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 95, Date 1875
XIV.—On the genus Rossella (a hexactinellid sponge), with the descriptions of three species
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 113, Date 1875
XV.—Descriptions of species of Hippothoa and Alecto from the lower Silurian rocks of Ohio, with a description of Aulopora arachnoidea, Hall
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 123, Date 1875
Description of a supposed new genus of Ceylon batrachians
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 128, Date 1875
On the genus Deidamia Willemoes-Suhm
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 131, Date 1875
XIX.—Descriptions of new species of Gobiidæ in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 144, Date 1875
Two Bone-Caves in Switzerland
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 148, Date 1875
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 153, Date 1875
On some points in the anatomy of the common mussel (Mytilus edulis)
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 157, Date 1875
On Leucochloridium paradoxum and the development of the Larvæ contained in it into Distoma
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 162, Date 1875
XXII.—Descriptions of new species of Polyzoa from the Lower and Upper Silurian Rocks of North America
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 177, Date 1875
On some new exotic sessile-eyed Crustacea
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 184, Date 1875
XXV.—Do varieties wear out, or tend to wear out?
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 192, Date 1875
XXVI.—Oceanic sediments, and their relation to geological formations
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 198, Date 1875
XXVII.—Remarks on Professor Owen's arrangement of the fossil kangaroos
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 204, Date 1875
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 225, Date 1875
Ser 7, Vol 15, Page 231, Date 1905
On the mode in which Amœba swallows its food
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 232, Date 1875
On the discovery of true Batrachians in Palæozoic rocks
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 233, Date 1875
On the motive power of diatoms
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 234, Date 1875
On the peripheral nervous system of the marine Nematoids
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 235, Date 1875
XXX.—On the structure and systematic position of the genus Cheirolepis
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 237, Date 1875
XXXI.—On a new species of Liphistius (Schiödte)
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 249, Date 1875
XXXII.—On the geographical distribution of fishes
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 251, Date 1875
XXXIII.—On an undescribed organ in Limulus, supposed to be renal in its nature
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 255, Date 1875
XXXIV.—On some fossil fishes from the neighbourhood of Edinburgh
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 258, Date 1875
XXXVII.—Biographical notice of the late Dr. John Edward Gray
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 281, Date 1875
The Student's Guide to Zoology, a Manual of the Principles of Zoological Science. By Andrew Wilson. Sm. 8vo. London: J. & A. Churchill, 1874
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 285, Date 1875
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 286, Date 1875
On the general phenomena of the embryogeny of the Nemertians
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 301, Date 1875
On the reproductive organs of the eels
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 304, Date 1875
Revision of the Nematoids of the gulf of Marseilles
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 306, Date 1875
On a new order of Eocene mammals
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 307, Date 1875
XXXIX.—Notes on some young stages of Umbellularia, and on its geographical distribution
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 312, Date 1875
XL.—On a third new Tertiary species of Trigonia
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 316, Date 1875
XLIII.—Note on the geographical distribution of the Temnocephala chilensis of Blanchard
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 336, Date 1875
XLIV.—Descriptions of new species of Lepidoptera from central America
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 338, Date 1875
XLV.—Tylenchus millefolii, n. sp., a new gall-producing Anguillulide
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 342, Date 1875
XLVI.—Experiments on the supposed auditory apparatus of the Culex mosquito
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 349, Date 1875
Proceedings of Learned Societies
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 364, Date 1875
Ceratodus Forsteri and C. miolepis
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 368, Date 1875
Researches into the history of the Rhizopods
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 370, Date 1875
Anatomy of a remakrable type of the group of Nemertians (Drepanophorus spectabilis)
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 371, Date 1875
On the Actiniæ of the oceanic coasts of France
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 373, Date 1875
Action of light on the development of the young of frogs
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 376, Date 1875
On two Hexactinellid Sponges from the Philippine Islands in the Liverpool Free Museum with Remarks by H
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 377, Date 1875
XLVIII.—Descriptions of some new Asiatic species of Rhynchites
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 391, Date 1875
XLIX.—Descriptions of new genera and species of Lepidoptera in the collection of the British Museum
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 396, Date 1875
LI.—Descriptions of some new genera and species of Coleoptera from South Africa, Madagascar, Mauritius, and the Seychelle Islands
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 403, Date 1875
LII.—A list of the Gasteropoda collected in Japanese seas by Commander H. C. St. John, R. N
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 414, Date 1875
Bibliographical notice
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 434, Date 1875
Observations on the period of the extinction of the ancient fauna of the island of Rodriguez
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 436, Date 1875
On the development of the Pteropoda
Ser 4, Vol 15, Page 439, Date 1875
The Annals and magazine of natural history; zoology, botany, and geology
London Taylor and Francis, Ltd
University of Toronto
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