ser.4:v.7=no.37-42 (1871) - The Annals and magazine of natural history - Biodiversity Heritage Library
II.—Reply to Dr. Selater's paper in the ‘Annals’ on Testudo chilensis &c
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 15, Date 1871
VI.—On Saurocetes argentinus, a new type of Zeuglodontidæ
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 51, Date 1871
IX.—Description of a considerable portion of a mandibular ramus of Anthracosaurus Russelli; with notes on Loxomma and Archichthys
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 73, Date 1871
XVIII.—Reply to Dr. Gray on Testudo chilensis &c
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 161, Date 1871
XXIII.—A few remarks on Dipterus and Ctenodus, and on their relationship to Ceratodus Forsteri, Krefft
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 190, Date 1871
XXVII.—Note on a freshwater species of Ceratium from the Lake of Nynee (Naini) Tal in Kumaon
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 229, Date 1871
XXXI.—On two new species of birds from Moupin, Western Szechuen
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 256, Date 1871
XXXIV.—Note on Prof. Cope's interpretation of the Ichthyosaurian head
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 266, Date 1871
XXXV.—On two undescribed sponges and two Esperiadæ from the West Indies; also on the nomenclature of the calcisponge Clathrina, Gray
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 268, Date 1871
XLVI.—Physico-chemical investigations upon the aquatic Articulata. Part I
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 362, Date 1871
XLVII.—On the supposed legs of the Trilobite Asaphus platycephalus
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 366, Date 1871
Le Jélin of Adanson
Ser 4, Vol 7, Page 389, Date 1871