University Administration | Bar-Ilan University



More Details
President Prof. Arie Zaban
Prof. Arie Zaban's bio
Rector Prof. Amnon Albeck
Prof. Amnon Albeck's bio
Chief Executive Officer Zohar Yinon
Zohar Yinon's bio
Vice President for Research Prof. Yaron Shav-Tal
Prof. Yaron Shav-Tal's bio
Vice President for Academia-Industry Relations Prof. Zeev Zalevsky
Prof. Zeev Zalevsky's bio
Vice president for international affairs and the Third Mission Prof. Rivka Tuval Mashiach
Prof. Tuval Mashiach's bio
Vice President for Global Resource Development Ronnie Vinnikov
Ronnie Vinnikov's bio
Vice Rector Prof. Arie Reich
Prof. Arie Reich's bio
Chief Planning and Operations Officer Ofer Shragay
Ofer Shragay's bio
Chief Administration, Human Resources and SpecialÿProjects Officer Maor Pinko
Maor Pinko's bio
Chief Financial Officer Arnon Zait
Arnon Zait's bio
Chief Information Technology Officer Assael Movshovitz
Assael Movshovitz's bio
Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer Naama Gat
Naama Gat's bio
Head of Student Administration Ilanit Betit
Ilanit Betit's bio
Academic Head of Student Administration Prof. Galia Yanoshevsky
Galia Yanoshevsky's bio
Chief Learning Officer Yuval Shraibman
Yuval Shraibman's bio
Dean of the Mina and Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences Prof. Cyrille Cohen

Prof. Cyrille Cohen's bio

Dean of Faculty of Exact Sciences Prof. Sarit Kraus
Prof. Sarit Kraus
Dean of the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine Prof. Orly Avni
Prof. Orly Avni bio
Dean of the Faculty of Humanities Prof. Daniela Dueck
Prof. Daniela Dueck's bio
Dean of the Alexander Kofkin Faculty of Engineering Prof. Orit Shefi
Prof. Orit Shefi's Bio
Dean of the Faculty of Law Prof. Michal Alberstein

Prof. Michal Alberstein's Bio

Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Prof. Galit Nahari

Prof. Galit Nahari's bio

Dean of the Faculty of Education Prof. Zehavit Gross
Prof. Zehavit Gross' bio
Dean of Faculty of Jewish Studies Prof. Michael Avioz

Prof. Michael Avioz's bio

Head of the Interdisciplinary Studies Unit Prof. Michal Ben-Shachar

Prof. Michal Ben-Shachar's bio

Dean of the Division for Designated Programs Prof. Noa Vilchinsky
Prof. Noa Vilchinsky
Dean of the School of Graduate Studies Prof. Doron Ginsberg
Prof. Doron Ginsberg's bio
Academic Secretary Orly Perl, Ph.D
Orly Perl, Ph.D bio
Dean of Students Prof. Benjamin Shmueli
Prof. Benjamin Shmueli's bio
Legal Advisor Avital Rosenberg

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