Freedom of Information Law | Bar-Ilan University

The Freedom of Information Law, enacted by the Israeli Knesset in May 1998, came into force in May 1999. The Law stipulates that every Israeli citizen or resident has the right to receive information from a public authority, subject to the exceptions specified therein, which are intended to strike a balance between the freedom of information and various rights and interests such as protection of information, the protection of privacy, professional and trade secrets etc.

Full Text (in Hebrew).

Application Submission and Payment

It is recommended to submit applications for information under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Law via the Hebrew online form.  However, it is also possible to send to the address below.

There is a fee for submitting a Freedom of Information application, as is specified in the Freedom of Information Regulations (Fees).

Payment of the application fee and the handling and processing fees can be made by the following methods:

Bank Transfer to Account #437880, Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank (20), Branch 414, to credit Bar-Ilan University, for Application Fee according to the Freedom of information Law”

Bank Check to the order of Bar-Ilan University, attached to the application

In certain cases the fee will be waived according to Regulation 6 of the Fee Regulations.

For more information, contact:

Noa Ben-Dov

Chief Assistant to the Deputy Director General of Human Resources

 and Supervisor, Implementation of Freedom of Information Law

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 972-3-5318522 / 7652

Fax: 972-3-7384167

Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan 5290002 ISRAEL