2.80 — blender.org
- ️@blender
The Blender developer community is being supported by the organizational powers of Blender Foundation and its spin-off Blender Institute. The people who work for the Foundation and Institute did a tremendous job to bring Blender is where is it nowadays.
Special thanks goes to Tangent Animation and Aleph Objects, who funded 4 additional developers to work full-time on Blender 2.8 during the crucial 2017 period. This enabled us to work on the viewport, Eevee, collections/layers, UI and tools redesign.
Thanks goes to everyone who contributed to the Code Quest, the massively successful 3 month workshop in Blender Institute during spring 2018.
And we thank everyone who joined the Development Fund in 2nd half of 2018 and 2019. This helped us to keep the core of Blender contributors together to work on 2.8.
And last but not least: special thanks to the blender.org community – the developers, documenters, bug reporters and reviewers – it is thanks to them that we can start this wonderful new era of Blender 2.8x!