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Bibliography: The Stories

(Arranged Alphabetically … English Language … First Publications.)    Updated February 2021.A Malediction. Written for the JerseyDevilCon, Souvenior Convention Book, April 2003. (US)A Place of Waiting. (2003) The Ghost Quartet, Tor Books, 2008. (US)A Really Game Boy. Dark Terrors 2, edited by Steve Jones and David Sutton, published by Victor Gollancz, an
imprint of the Cassell Group, 1996. (UK)
A Thing About Cars. The Caller of the Black, published by Arkham House, 1971. (US)A-mazed in Oriab. Iced on Aran and Other Dream Quests, published by W. Paul Ganley’s Weirdbook Press, 1990. (US)Ambler’s Inspiration. The Caller of the Black, published by Arkham House, 1971. (US)An Item of Supporting Evidence. The Arkham Collector, No. 7, Summer 1970, edited and published by August
Derleth for Arkham House. (US)
Augeren. Iced on Aran and Other Dream Quests, published by W. Paul Ganley’s “Weirdbook Press,” 1990. (US)Aunt Hester. The Satyr’s Head, edited by David Sutton, published by “Corgi Books,” 1975. (UK)Bad Habit. A “lost” story of about two thousand words. (The author says, “It was just an exercise, really … I can’t
remember the theme and I certainly don’t miss it.”)
Back Row. Terror Australis, Vol. 1, No. 1, Autumn 1988. (Australia)Beneath the Moors. Arkham House, 1974. (US)Big “C”. In the anthology Lovecraft’s Legacy, edited by Robert E. Weinberg and Martin H. Greenberg, published by
“TOR Books.”
Billy’s Oak. In The Arkham Collector, No. 6, Winter 1970, edited and published by August Derleth, for Arkham House.Bloodwars. Extract in Fantasycon XIX, 1994 Convention Book.

Bloodwars. Extract in Fantasycon XIX, 1994 Convention Book.Born of the Winds. The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Vol. 49, No. 6 (WN 295), December 1975. Published by Mercury
Breasts. Destroyed. (The author says, “It was bloody and a mess! I tried it as an experiment and found that I couldn’t ‘hack’ it!”).Brothers Cova, The. A “lost” Mythos story of nine or ten thousand words. (According to the author: “Francesco Cova, an Italian friend
and once-publisher of Kadath – an excellent fanzine – lost his copy during his return to Genoa after a British convention. He was
going to press with a new issue of Kadath, and requested a second copy. Like a clown I sent him my only copy! I can only think it
never reached him, and various attempts to contact him have failed.”)
Burrowers Beneath, The. HPL, Frierson, Meade III and Penny editors. Birmingham, Al., The Editors, 1972, 1975. Chapter One -
without "The Nethermost Caverns". (UK)
Caller of The Black, The. In the collection of the same name, published by Arkham House, 1971. (US)Cement Surroundings. Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, edited by August Derleth, Arkham House, 1969. (US)Challenge, The. Dancing with the Dark: True Encounters with the Paranormal by Masters of the Macabre, edited by Stephen Jones.
Published by Vista, an imprint of the Cassell Group, 1997. (UK)
Changeling, The. 2012. Not yet published.Clean Slate. The Fifth Book of After Midnight Stories, edited by Amy Myers. Published by Robert Hale, Ltd., 1991. (UK)Cleaner Women, The. The Horror at Oakdeene and Others, published by Arkham House, 1977. (US)Concerning Titus Crow. The Compleat Crow, published by Weirdbook Press, 1987. (US)Cryptically Yours. Escape!, Number One, Fall 1977. (US)Crystal Thing, The. A “lost” short story. (Submitted before 1980 to an editor in the USA but never published. The author has no copy.)Cthatt Aquadingen. (According to the author, “This purports to be an excerpt from this so-called ‘black book’.”) In the “Pulp Thriller &
Theological Journal” known as The Crypt of Cthulhu, 3, No. 7, (WN 23), St. John’s Eve 1994.
Curse of the Golden Guardians. The Compleat Khash: Never a Backward Glance Volume 1. Published by W. Paul Ganley’s
Weirdbook Press, 1991. (US)
Cyprus Shell, The. In The Arkham Collector, No. 3, Summer 1968, edited and published by August Derleth for Arkham House. (US)Dagon’s Bell. Weirdbook, 23/24, 1988, and published by W. Paul Ganley. (US)Darghud’s Doll. The Horror at Oakdeene and Others, published by Arkham House, 1977. (US)Dark Wisdom, The. A “lost” short story. (According to the author it was scheduled to appear in the 1970s in a “thing called IS.” It never
appeared, and the author lost his personal copy.)
David’s Worm. Pulp, 1971, no other information available. (US)De Marigny’s Clock. The Caller of the Black, published by Arkham House, 1971. (US)Dead on Time. The Fourth Book of After Midnight Stories, edited by Amy Myers and published by William Kimber & Co., Ltd., 1988.
Deadspawn. Extract from in Fear Magazine, #32 August 1991. (US)Deadspeak. Extract from in Fear Magazine, #22 October 1990. (US)Deep-Sea Conch, The. Dark Things, edited by August Derleth, Arkham House, 1971. (US)Dead Eddy. Harry Keogh: Necroscope and Other Weird Heroes, Tor Books, U.S., 2003. (US)Decreation. 50 words or less. Ghoul Warning and Other Omens…and Other Omens, W. P. Ganley, Publisher and Necronomicon
Press, 1999. (US)
Deja Viewer. Maelstrom, Volume 1, edited by Paul Calvin Wilson, published by Calvin House, Div. of Lighthouse Media One. (UK)Dinosaur Dreams. Harry Keogh: Necroscope and Other Weird Heroes, Tor Books, 2003. (US)Disapproval of Jeremy Cleave, The. Weird Tales, No. 295, Winter 1989/90. Published by the Terminus Publishing Co. (US)Do-It-Yourself Carpenter, The. 50 words or less. Ghoul Warning and Other Omens…and Other Omens, W. P. Ganley, Publisher and
Necronomicon Press, 1999. (US)
Dracula Vs. the Burrowers. Presumably a “lost” story. (An original story featuring Titus Crow and Henri-Laurent de Marigny, written
for the Marvel comic Dracula Lives! Submitted in 1975, the author was paid – “quite well paid” – but kept no copy. It would appear that
Marvel decided not to use it.)
Dylath-Leen. The Caller of the Black, Arkham House, 1971. (US)Enemy, The. Etchings & Odysseys, published by The Strange Co. in 1985/86. (US)Facts in the Hammond Case, The. A “lost” Mythos story. (The author says, “Derleth saw a copy at Arkham House. It needed some
revision. Since then … who can say?”)
Fairground Horror, The. The Disciples of Cthulhu, edited by E. P. Berglund. Published by DAW Books, 1976. (US)
Familiar, The. An unfinished, “lost” story. (The author says, “I don’t remember what happened to it, but no big deal.”)
Familiar, The. An unfinished, “lost” story. (The author says, “I don’t remember what happened to it, but no big deal.”)Feasibility Study. Screaming Science Fiction, Subterranean Press, 2006. (US)For the Dead Travel Slowly. Necroscope: Harry and the Pirates, Solaris, UK, 2009. (UK)Fruiting Bodies. Weird Tales, No. 291, Summer 1988. Published by the Terminus Publishing Co. (US)Gaddy’s Gloves. British Fantasy XVI Convention Book, 1991. (UK)Gathering, The. Earth, Wind, Fire and Water, Fedogan & Bremer, US, 2017.Genseric’s Fifth-Born Son. Fantasy Crossroads, No. 15, edited by Jonathan Bacon and published by the Stygian Isle Press, January
1979. (US)
Girl With Toilet-Roll Eyes, The. Destroyed. (The author says, “I don’t know what it was about, only that it was experimental and very
Grotesques Before Nine. Skeleton Crew, Vol. 2, No. 3, edited by Dave Reeder and dated September 1990. (UK)Haggopian. The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Vol. 44, o. 6 (WN 265), June 1973. (US)Harry and the Pirates. Necroscope: Harry and the Pirates, Solaris, 2009. (UK)Hell is a Personal Place. Fantasy Tales, Vol. 9, No. 17, edited and published by Steve Jones and David Sutton, Summer 1987. (UK)Horror at Oakdeene, The. Published by Arkham House, 1977. (US)House of Cthulhu, The. Whispers, Vol. 1, No. 1, July 1973. Published by Stuart David Schiff’s Whispers Press. (US)House of the Temple, The. Kadath, Vol. 1, No. 3, November 1980. Edited and published by Francesco Cova. (Italy.)How Kank-Thad Returned to Bhur-Esh. Fantastic, Vol. 26, No. 2, published by the Ultimate Publishing Co., Inc., 1977. (US)Hymn, The. H. P. Lovecraft’s Magazine of Horror, Issue Number 3, Fall 2006. Wildside Press. (US)Iced on Aran. Weird Tales, No. 295, Winter 1989. Published by the Terminus Publishing Co. (US)In Dublin's Fair City. (Molly Malone). Dark Discoveries Magazine, January 2017 issue #37.Inception. The Compleat Crow. Published by W. Paul Ganley’s Weirdbook Press, 1987. (US)In the Glow-Zone. Cold Fear: New Tales of Terror, edited by Hugh Lamb. Published by W. H. Allen, 1977. (US)In the Temple of Terror. Weirdbook, No. 22, Summer 1997, and published by W. Paul Ganley’s Weirdbook Press. (US)In the Vaults Beneath. The Caller of the Black, Arkham House, 1971. (US)Irving's Story. Dark Fuse, 2017, Internet story and #1 in the Erikotis April 2017.Isles of the Suhm-Yi. The House of Cthulhu. Published by W. Paul Ganley’s Weirdbook Press, 1984. (US)Kiss, Kiss. 2018. Unpublished as yet.Kiss of Bugg-Shash, The. Cthulhu 3: Three Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos. Published by Jon M. Harvey’s Spectre Press, 1978. (UK)Kiss of the Lamia. Weirdbook, No. 20, Spring 1985. (US)Last Rite, The. Witchcraft & Sorcery, No. 10, published by the Fantasy Publishing Co., Ltd. in 1974. (US)Late Shopping. Weirdbook, No. 18, 1983. (US)Lecture, The. Eeriecon Chapbook, #3, Produced by the Buffalo Fantasy League in collaboration with W. Paul Ganley, Buffalo, New
York, 2004.
Little Man Lost. Etchings & Odysseys, No. 7, 1985. Published by The Strange Company. (US)Long, Last Night, The. Weird Tales Magazine #360, Fall 2012. (US)Lord of the Worms. Weirdbook, No. 17, 1983. (US)Lords of the Morass. The House of Cthulhu. Published by W. Paul Ganley’s Weirdbook Press, 1984. (US)Luststone, The. Weird Tales, Fall 1991. Published by the Terminus Publishing Co. (US)Mandraki. The 22nd World Fantasy Convention Souvenir Book, Chicago 1996. (US)Man in the Dream, The. (Titled by August Derleth “The Thing in the Moonlight II,” as by Lovecraft and Lumley.) Published in The
Arkham Collector,
Arkham House, Winter 1969. (US)Man Who Felt Pain, The. Fantasy Tales, Vol. 10, No. 2, Spring 1989, edited by Stephen Jones and David Sutton. (UK)Man Who Killed Kew Gardens, The. Dark Homage Series Volume 1, Delirium Press, 2003. (US)Man Who Got Slotted, The. Kadath, Vol. 1, No. 3, November 1980. (Italy.)Man Who Photographed Beardsley, The. The Star Book of Horror, No. 2, edited by Hugh Lamb. Published by Wyndham
Publications, 1976. (UK)
Man Who Saw No Spiders, The. Weirdbook, No. 13, 1979. (US)Mandelt’s Meteorite. A “lost” story. (The author says, “August Derleth saw it at Arkham House. It was about three thousand words
long, a ‘visitor from out there’ story; lost, but no great loss.”)
Memory. HPL Magazine of Horror, Volume 1, Number 1, Summer 2004, Wildside Press. (US)Mirror of Nitocris, The. The Caller of the Black, published by Arkham House, 1971. (US)Mother Love. Witchcraft & Sorcery, Vol. 1, No. 6, May 1971. Publisher: Fantasy Publishing Co. (US)My Thing Friday. Dark Delicacies: Original Tales of Terror and the Macabre by the World’s Greatest Writers, edited by Del Howison
and Jeff Gelb, published by Carroll & Graff, NY 2005.
Mylakhrion the Immortal. Fantasy Tales, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1977. Editors Steve Jones and Dave Sutton. (UK)Name and Number. Kadath, Vol. 2, No. 1, July 1982. (Italy.)Necros. The Second Book of After Midnight Stories, edited by Amy Myers. Published by William Kimber & Co., Ltd., 1986. (UK)Necroscope Excerpt, Seductive Spectres, edited by Amarantha Knight, Masquerade Books, NY, 1996.Night Sea-Maid Went Down, The. The Caller of the Black, published by Arkham House, 1971. (US)Nitre. A “lost” story. (The author reports, “This was a good little story – I think. Derleth saw it, and then it went missing. In my Army
days I didn’t always keep copies.”)
No Sharks in the Med. Weird Tales, No. 295, Winter 1989/90. Published by the Terminus Publishing Co. (US)No Way Home. The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Vol. 49, No. 3, September 1975. Published by Mercury Press. (US)Nonesuch, The. The Nonesuch, Subterranean Press, USA, 2009.Not A Creature Was Stirring. December 2012. Not yet published.Old Man With A Blade. Necroscope: Harry and the Pirates, Solaris, 2009. (UK)On Receiving a Small RPG Piece. In a role-playing-game fanzine called Dagon, No. 13, June-September 1986, edited and published
by Carl Ford’s Dagon Press. (UK)
Othuum! Witchcraft & Sorcery, Number 10, 1974, (formerly Coven 3), Fantasy Publishing Company. (US)Pearl, The. The Caller of the Black, Arkham House, 1971. (US)Picnickers, The. Final Shadows, edited by Charles L. Grant and published by Doubleday, 1991. (US)Pit-Yakker, The. Weird Tales, No. 294, Fall 1989. Published by the Terminus Publishing Co. (US)Problem Child. Vampires, Werewolves and Other Monsters, edited by Roger Elwood and published by Curtis Books, 1974. (US)Recognition. Weirdbook, No. 15, 1981. (US)Resurrection.  Harry Keogh: Necroscope and Other Weird Heroes, Tor Books, 2003. (US)Return of the Deep Ones. Fantasy Book, Vol. 3, No. 1 (WN 11), March 1984. (Part One): Chapter 1, The Conch; Chapter 2, The Place
On The Beach; Chapter 3, Tide of Terror;
Fantasy Book, Vol. 3, No. 2 (WN 12), June 1984. (Part Two: Sea Change): Chapter 4, The
Tank, Chapter 5, The Second Prisoner; Chapter 6, Haggopian;
Fantasy Book, Vol. 3, No. 3 (WN 13), September 1984. (Part Three:
The Deeps Await): Chapter 7, Escape!, Chapter 8, Changeling, Chapter 9, The Unending Nightmare. (US)
Return to Arkham. The script for a Cthulhu Mythos comic strip, (art by Martin McKenna) in Carl Ford’s Dagon, No. 15, November-
December 1986. Published by Dagon Press. (UK)
Rising With Surtsey. Dark Things, edited by August Derleth, Arkham House, 1971. (US)Running Man, The. (Nothing to do with “Big Arnie!”) In the RPG Cthulhu source-pack titled Green and Pleasant Land, compiled by
Pete Tamlyn, published by Games Workshop, 1987. (UK)
Second Wish, The. New Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, edited by Ramsey Campbell, Arkham House, 1980. (US)See the Creature. Extract from E-Branch Survivors in The World Horror Convention VIII, April 1998. (US)Sister City, The. Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, edited by August Derleth, Arkham House, 1969. (US)Snarker’s Son. New Tales of Terror, edited by Hugh Lamb and published by Magnum Books, Methuen Ltd., in 1980. (UK)Somebody Calling. Brian Lumley’s Freaks, Subterranean Press, 2004. (US)Sorcerer’s Book, The. The House of Cthulhu and Other Tales of the Primal Land, Weirdbook Press, 1984. (US)Sorcerer’s Dream, The. Whispers, Vol. 4, No. 1-2 (WN 13/14). Whispers Press, October 1979. (US)Source, The. Extract from in Fear Magazine ‘8, August 1989. (US)Spaghetti. Weirdbook, No. 21, Aug. 1985. (US)Spider in the Bath. Etchings & Odysseys, No. 5, Oct. 1984. Published by The Strange Company. (US)Stilts. World Fantasy Convention Souvenir Book, 2003. (US)Statement of Henry Worthy, The. The Horror at Oakdeene, Arkham House, 1977. (US)Statement of One John Gibson, The. The Crypt of Cthulhu, No. 19, Candlemas 1984, The Brian Lumley Issue. Edited by Robert M.
Price. (US)
Stealer of Dreams. Weirdbook, No. 27, Spring 1992. (US)Strange Years, The. Fantasy Tales, Vol. 5, No. 9, Spring 1982. (US)Sun, the Sea and the Silent Scream, The. The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, February 1988. (US)Swamped. Etchings & Odysseys, No. 9, 1986. Published by The Strange Company. (US)Swordsmith and Sorcerer. (See “Genseric’s Fifth-Born Son.”) Fantasy Crossroads, #15, January 1979 (Round Robin). (US)Synchronicity, or Something. A Cthulhu Mythos-based story, written on commission for Carl Ford’s Dagon Press, and published in
1989 in the same format as Ford’s RPG fanzine Dagon. (UK)
Taint, The. Weird Shadows Over Innsmouth, edited by Stephen Jones, Fedogan & Bremer, 2005. (US)Tale’s Tail. Iced on Aran and Other Dream Quests, published by W. Paul Ganley’s Weirdbook Press, 1990. (US)Tharquest and the Lamia Orbiquita. Fantastic Sword and Sorcery and Fantasy Stories, Vol. 25, No. 5, November 1976. Published by
the Ultimate Publishing Co. (US)
Thief Immortal, The. Weirdbook, No. 25, Autumn 1990. (US)Thin People, The. Whispers, Vol. 6, No. 23-24, October 1987. Published by Whispers Press. (US)Thing From the Blasted Heath, The. The Caller of the Black, Arkham House, 1971. (US)Thing in the Moonlight II, The. The Arkham Collector, No. 4, Winter 1969, Vol. 1, 1971. (US)To Kill A Wizard. The House of Cthulhu, 1984. Published by W. Paul Ganley’s Weirdbook Press. (US)Told in the Desert. Kadath, Vol. 2, No. 2/3, Fall 1984. (Italy.)Too Much Monkey Business. Kadath, Vol. 1, No. 3, November 1980. (Italy.)Treasure of the Scarlet Scorpion. Weirdbook, No. 16, 1982. (US)Two Stone Tom’s T.O.E. Subterranean Press Magazine Fall 2012 on line magazine. (US)Ugly Act, The. 2 AM Magazine, No. 9, Fall 1988. 2AM Publications. (US)Ugly Act, The. Revised in 2007/2008.Unbeliever, The. Fantasy Book, Vol. 2, No. 3, (WN 9), August 1983. Published by Fantasy Book Enterprises. (US)Uzzi. Fear, No. 2, September/October 1988. Edited by John Gilbert and published by Newsfield, Leisure Monthly. (UK)Vanessa’s Voice. Whispers 3, No. 3/4 (WN 11/12), October 1978, published by Whispers Press. (US)Vehicle, The. Amulet, No. 1 and No. 2, 1987, Amulet Publications. (US)Viaduct, The. Superhorror, edited by Ramsey Campbell, published by W. H. Allen, 1976. (UK)Viking’s Stone, The. The Horror at Oakdeene, Arkham House, 1977. (US)War of the Worlds II: Earthlings V Pondlings. 50 words or less. Ghoul Warning and Other Omens…and Other Omens, W. P. Ganley,
Publisher and Necronomicon Press, 1999. (US)
Weird Wines of Naxas Niss, The. Weirdbook, No. 26, Autumn 1991. (US)What Dark God? Nameless Places, edited by G. W. Page, Arkham House, 1975. (US)Whisperer, The. Frights, edited by Kirby McCauley and published by St. Martins Press, 1976. (US)Wine of the Wizard, The. The House of Cthulhu and  Other Tales of the Primal Land, Weirdbook Press, 1984. (US)Wratha’s Story. Necon XX 2000, edited by Bob Booth, published by Necon Committee, July 2000. (US)Writer in the Garret, The. The Caller of the Black, Arkham House, 1971. (US)Zack Phalanx Is Vlad the Impaler! Weirdbook, No. 11, 1977. (US)