Pelycosaur | fossil tetrapod order | Britannica
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evolution during Permian Period
In Permian Period: Emergence of important reptiles…are divided into two orders: pelycosaurs and therapsids. They show a remarkably complete transition in skeletal features from typical early reptiles (Early Permian Epoch) into true mammals (in the Middle and Late Triassic epochs) through a fossil record lasting about 80 million years. The Early Permian pelycosaurs included carnivores and…
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Permian extinction
In Permian extinction: Marine invertebrates…terrestrial groups, such as the pelycosaurs (fin-backed reptiles), Moschops (a massive mammal-like reptile), and numerous families of insects also met their demise. In addition, a number of groups (such as sharks, bony fishes, brachiopods, bryozoans,
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