Film - Design, Production, Technology | Britannica

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Also called:
motion picture or movie


Under the heading of design, all the elements of a picture’s setting may be included—art direction, scenic composition, set design, costume, and makeup. At its simplest and most naturalistic, the camera can choose and frame ordinary people in a real location. At its most elaborate, motion-picture production may involve the expenditure of vast sums to put up gigantic sets that require building houses, ships, churches, and monuments or re-creating lost cities, bygone landscapes, or ancient battles and dressing thousands of extras in period costumes. Thunderstorms, tornadoes, snowstorms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tidal waves may be simulated, or monsters, spaceships, and cities of the future created.

Film sets are constructed more solidly than stage scenery but of the lightest, cheapest materials that will both look authentic and photograph well. Whether for black and white or for colour, their shades, proportions, and shapes are chosen for the camera rather than the eye. The camera can deceive the viewer about scale, however, and the model makers and special effects technicians can reproduce virtually anything in miniature, from the aurora borealis shining on an igloo to a tempest destroying the Spanish Armada. A whole series of film monsters have attracted goggle-eyed audiences since the French pioneer Georges Méliès’s Le Voyage dans da Lune (1902; A Trip to the Moon), in which humans land on the Moon and encounter alien creatures. Miracles can be achieved in film, either in the colossal form of the crossing of the Red Sea by the children of Israel in Cecil B. DeMille’s epic The Ten Commandments (1956) or in the comparatively simple treatment of angels and miracles in Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) or Warren Beatty’s Heaven Can Wait (1978). Film publicity makes much of the creation of epics such as Cleopatra (1963) or the three-part The Lord of the Rings (2001–03), but, even on a more modest scale, sets can contribute enormously to a motion picture, as in Ken Adam’s sets for Dr. Strangelove (1964) or Anton Furst’s for Batman (1989).

(Read Cecil B. DeMille’s 1929 Britannica essay on acting.)

The strongest single artistic influence in motion-picture set design was the German Expressionist cinema of the 1920s, which combined elements of Max Reinhardt’s theatre, a Wagnerian philosophy of doom, and Expressionist painting and graphics. Expressionist films such as Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920; The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari), Der Golem (1920), Nosferatu (1922), and Metropolis (1927) created a world of fantasy and horror peopled with menacing, shadowy figures. In other German Expressionist motion pictures, such as Der Student von Prag (1926; The Student of Prague) or Die Nibelungen (1924), there was a baroque beauty of architectural, woodland, and floral settings. The influence of Expressionism can be seen in later cinema in the work of directors Orson Welles and Carl Dreyer and in many gangster movies.

Subject matter and how it is treated are reflected in all the elements of design in a motion picture. In the hectic atmosphere of a horror movie or a thriller, a studio set may pass unnoticed, even though it would seem disconcertingly artificial in another film. In a musical everything may look artificial: a chambermaid’s bedroom may be a model of daintiness and taste. Some films, however, depend on realistic sets for dramatic effect. Accordingly, some directors, especially the French master Jean Renoir in his 1930s films, went to great lengths to be authentic, avoiding the use of rear screen projection, or process shots (i.e., those in which new action is filmed in front of a screen on which previously filmed background footage is projected). All the train sequences in Renoir’s La Bête humaine (1938; The Human Beast), for example, were shot on a moving engine, except the final scene, in which the hero, played by Jean Gabin, leaps to his death. Another French director of the same era, Marcel Pagnol, had his cast and crew construct the farmhouse for his masterpiece, Angèle (1934), not to save production money but to increase the naturalness of their behaviour on the set during shooting.

In historical epics, such as Dunkirk (2017), and science-fiction films, such as Blade Runner (1982) and Inception (2010), settings vie with actors and story for the viewer’s attention. In carefully constructed intimate dramas, such as those by Robert Bresson (L’Argent, 1983) or Jim Jarmusch (Stranger than Paradise, 1984), the setting can embody the tone of the film. Numerous stylistic options are attached to decor: its richness or sparseness, its naturalness or artificiality, its contemporaneity or period look, its cleverness or simplicity. Because all these factors are related to the full conception of the film, the set designer is one of the first artistic collaborators called in by the director in the quest for a strong, forceful production.


In a medium consisting of the projection of impressions on a light-sensitive material, lighting is of special importance. Daylight is the readiest, cheapest, and strongest source of lighting. Hollywood was said to owe its preeminence as a motion-picture production centre to its sunny climate. Even in daylight shooting, however, artificial aids may be necessary to reduce the highlights or to lighten the shadows.

Lighting, a facet of camera work, is under the control of the chief cameraman or lighting cameraman. In black-and-white films, lighting is of paramount importance in giving the overall light or dark tone of the scene and in providing for dramatic contrasts or emphasis within the scene. In colour, the lighting works indirectly to bring out or modify the colour. Lighting in the cinema is a method of composition, used to complement and reinforce the dramatic situation. Generally, dark lighting is associated with tragedy and bright lighting with romance or comedy, but overlighting gives ghastly or unearthly effects, as in the memory sequence at the beginning of the Swedish director Ingmar Bergman’s Gycklarnas afton (1953; Sawdust and Tinsel, also called The Naked Night). Lighting an actor from above gives the face a spiritual effect; from below, an uncanny or evil appearance. Front lighting blurs faults but takes away character; side lighting gives relief and solidity but may show wrinkles and defects. Lighting from behind tends to idealize a subject and give it an ethereal quality.

Fashions in film lighting have fluctuated through the years. Early films tended to be flat and uniform. Later, especially in German Expressionist films of the 1920s and film noir of the 1940s and ’50s, strong contrasts of light and shade were favoured for their highly dramatic effect. Still later, this tendency was modified toward more balanced lighting. Even in dramatic scenes, the centre of interest now tends to be more discreetly emphasized.

Occasionally, different types of lighting are used for dramatic effect in a single film. For his Shakespearean adaptation Henry V (1944), Laurence Olivier employed uniform bright light for the sequences modeled on medieval book illustrations, but in the contemplative sequences (Falstaff’s death and Henry’s solitude the night before the battle) he used single-source lighting from the side, which allows extensive gradation of light and shadows, making the images look like paintings by Rembrandt. The elegiac humanity of the latter scenes contrasts with the brittle, eternal quality of the former. More often, directors choose a single look. Stanley Kubrick’s decision to film Barry Lyndon (1975) in candlelight is a notable example.

Related to lighting is the development of the print in the laboratory, where sections of film shot under different conditions can be modified to avoid a violent contrast where none is desired. Finally, the lighting of the projector that shows the picture and the brilliance of the screen are important. As light sources for the projector, both the traditional carbon arc and the modern xenon lamp have advocates; what matters most is that the light be powerful, brilliant, and unvarying throughout the projection of the picture.