Star system | motion pictures | Britannica
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history of motion pictures
In history of film: Pre-World War I American cinema…strategy known as the “star system.” Borrowed from the theatre industry, this system involves the creation and management of publicity about key performers, or stars, to stimulate demand for their films. Trust company producers used this kind of publicity after 1910, when Carl Laemmle of Independent Motion Pictures (IMP)…
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In film: Film acting…the industry promotes as “stars.” The German theorist Walter Benjamin argued that the image of the star compensated the film audience for the loss of direct access to live performance. For this reason film actors from movie to movie are likely to be cast in similar roles, as the…
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role of Zukor
In Adolph Zukor…recognize the potential of the star system and to pay his screen actors large salaries. The other key to his success was the huge number of movie theatres he controlled, which showed the films produced by the studio. His autobiography is The Public Is Never Wrong (1953).
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