Settimia Caccini | Italian Baroque Composer & Singer | Britannica

Settimia Caccini (born Oct. 6, 1591, Florence [Italy]—died c. 1660, Florence) was an Italian singer and composer, celebrated for her technical and artistic skill. Her surviving compositions are representative of the solo aria in early 17th-century Italy.

As was common of professional musicians in the early modern era, Settimia Caccini was born into a musical family and received her initial instruction in voice and composition from her father, the famed singer and composer Giulio Caccini. Settimia has largely been bypassed in the scholarly literature, presumably because, unlike her elder sister Francesca, she did not publish any compositions during her lifetime. However, she was highly regarded by her contemporaries for her technical and expressive skills as a singer. Indeed, Francesca’s decision to publish her music was somewhat unusual; musical activity for most female musicians during this era was largely confined to performance or to composition of works for their own use.

When Settimia was born, her father was employed by the Medici family in Florence, who, like patrons and audiences in other Italian cities at the time, prized the art of solo and ensemble song. The members of the famous concerto delle donne (“consort of women”), a group of professional female singers employed at the court of Ferrara, were widely praised for their virtuosic and expressive performances of ensemble madrigals for high voices and instrumental accompaniment; that group may have provided an impetus for Giulio Caccini and his patrons in the Florentine court to train the young Caccini daughters and other women to sing in a similar style. It is likely that both Settimia and Francesca sang in their father’s opera Il rapimento di Cefalo (“The Abduction of Cephalus”), performed in 1600 as part of the wedding celebrations of Maria de’ Medici and Henry IV of France.

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Settimia married the composer-singer Alessandro Ghivizzani in 1609, and they left Florence for Ghivizzani’s birthplace, Lucca, in 1611. In 1613 she and her husband joined the employ of the Gonzagas, the ruling family of Mantua, where pay records indicate that she was highly valued. Settimia and her husband left Mantua to return to Lucca in 1620; in 1622 they were in Parma, where they remained until Ghivizzani’s death, sometime between 1634 and 1636. In 1636 Settimia was again listed in the pay records of the Florentine court, where she apparently remained until her death in 1660. Sparse records from Parma and Florence indicate that, during her years in those two cities, she remained active as a performer.

That relatively few works by Settimia survive does not necessarily mean that she was not an active composer. Instead, it is likely that she composed songs for her own use, not expecting others to perform them. She may have notated other songs in manuscripts that have since been lost. Only eight pieces attributed to her survive; three of these appear either anonymously or pseudonymously. Her extant works are all strophic arias (songs in which every stanza is sung to the same music), a genre championed by her father in his first book of solo song, Le nuove musiche (1602; “The New Music”). Although the notated versions of her songs are only sparsely ornamented, it is possible that she embellished each verse in performance, according to the style outlined in Giulio Caccini’s extensive introduction to Le nuove musiche. Settimia’s songs make frequent use of dance rhythms and hemiola (a rhythmic device whereby pulses in groups of two occur simultaneously with pulses in groups of three), and they demonstrate a fluid melodic style.

Rebecca Cypess