Stark Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
Britannica Dictionary definition of STARK
having a very plain and often cold or empty appearance
a stark white room
a stark landscape
a stark winter day
The room was decorated with stark simplicity.
unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience
the stark reality of death
She gave the facts of the case in stark [=harsh] and sobering detail.
This tragedy serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of drunk driving.
very obvious
very plain and easily seen
There is a stark difference between them.
His criticism of the movie stands in stark contrast to the praise it has received from others.
— starkly
[more starkly; most starkly]
a starkly modern building
— starkness
the starkness of black and white
Britannica Dictionary definition of STARK
completely or fully
He was standing there stark naked. [=he was wearing no clothes at all]
That noise is going to drive me stark raving mad. = (Brit) That noise is going to drive me stark staring mad. [=completely insane]