Russian Empire - Revolution, Movements, Tsars | Britannica
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- November 2, 1721 - March 15, 1917
One branch of public life exempted from reform was the press, though it profited by the new spirit of Alexander’s reign. While in the last 10 years of Nicholas’s reign only 6 newspapers and 19 (mostly specialist) monthlies were permitted, during the first 10 years of Alexander’s reign there were 66 newspapers and 156 monthlies. The general tendency of the press, very moderate at the beginning, soon became very radical. The leading spirits were the nihilists Nikolay Chernyshevski, Nikolay Dobrolyubov, and Dmitry Pisarev, the last of whom preached extreme individualism. As early as 1862, temporary measures were applied against radical periodicals. Instead of a law on the liberty of the press, there appeared in 1865 new temporary rules (which remained in force for fully 40 years) compiled from Napoleon III’s law of 1852. They set free from preliminary censorship books of more than 10 sheets, but the censors continued to seize printed books before their issue.
A new wave of revolutionary movement set in. It proceeded from the young generation of university students, who expected an agrarian revolution directly after the liberation of the peasants. They were busy preparing workingmen, soldiers, and peasants for it through popular education. Secret circles were formed, proclamations were issued, and even a revolutionary movement was attempted in connection with January Insurrection in Poland (1863–64). Finally, an attempt was made by a student, Dmitry Karakozov, to assassinate the tsar in April 1866. All these attempts were extremely naïve. A few young revolutionaries were executed or sent to Siberia, but the whole movement, though curtailed, was not destroyed.
Alexander was frightened. Gradually he dismissed his liberal advisers, and conservatives took their place. The Home Office was given (1861) to Pyotr Valuev, who tried to paralyze the introduction of the emancipation law and formally prosecuted its faithful adherents. University troubles brought about the removal of the liberal minister of public instruction, Aleksandr Golovnin, the author of a university statute of 1863 that provided for university autonomy. His successor was a reactionary, Dmitry Andreyevich, Count Tolstoy. The old chief of gendarmes, Prince Vasily Dolgorukov, stepped aside after Karakozov’s attack, to be succeeded by Pyotr Andreyevich, Count Shuvalov, who became the soul of reaction. The government-general of St. Petersburg was abolished, and the martinet Gen. Fyodor Trepov was made grand master of the police. Minister of Justice Dmitry Zamyatin, under whom the reform of tribunals had been carried through, fell victim to his defense of this reform against an imperial whim. He had to yield to a reactionary, Count Konstantin Pahlen (1867), who nearly annihilated the reform. The same was done for the press by Aleksandr Timashev, who superseded Valuev as home minister in 1868. Two radical monthlies, The Sovremennik (“The Contemporary”) and the Russkoe Slovo (“Russian Word”), were closed (1866). Mikhail Katkov, a former European liberal who now inclined to extreme nationalism and reaction, became the most influential journalist.
All this contributed to uphold and to increase the disaffection of educated public opinion. About 1869 a new young generation appeared that gave expression to that state of mind. Russian emigrants in Switzerland discussed at that time a new revolutionary doctrine later called narodnichestvo (“populism”). Pyotr Lavrov was giving it a “scientific” basis, but Bakunin found this too learned and plainly invited the youth to give up the study and go straight to the people (the slogan “going to the people” was coined by Herzen in 1861) with the aim of inducing disorder. The Russian peasantry were open to such messages, as their communes were socialist by nature. The youth of Russia, chiefly the young girls who went to study abroad because there were no institutes of learning for females in Russia, listened to these discussions in Zürich and preferred Bakunin’s active optimism to Lavrov’s method.
In 1873 they were all ordered back to Russia by the government, and they met, when at home, with many student circles which were busy distributing books and revolutionary pamphlets among their provincial branches and workingmen. Nikolay Chaykovsky, Peter Alekseyevich Kropotkin, and Sergey Stepnyak were among the leaders of that educational and (later on) revolutionary work. They decided to go to the people—a naïve crusade by inexperienced youth, hardly out of their teens—in order both to teach the people and to learn from them their socialist wisdom. Of course they were not acknowledged by the people, in spite of their peasant attire, and were easily ferreted out by the police; 770 were arrested and 215 sent to prison.
These active students then decided to change their tactics. A regular secret society was founded in 1876 under the name of Zemlya i Volya (“Land and Freedom”). They still hoped to provoke a mass uprising according to the ideals of the people, but their village settlements proved useless for revolution, whereas in the towns they soon got engaged in a lively conflict with the police. As a result the terrorist side of their activity came to the forefront. In the autumn of 1879 the terrorist group formed a separate party, the Narodnaya Volya (“People’s Freedom” or “People’s Will”), while the remaining members led by Georgy Valentinovich Plekhanov—under the name of Black Redistribution (a reference to an agrarian revolution)—remained committed to nonviolent agitation. A series of terrorist acts then followed, beginning with that of Vera Ivanovna Zasulich, who fired on Trepov for his having flogged a prisoner and was acquitted by the jury (1878).
In April 1879 Alexander Soloviev fired five shots at the emperor. In February 1880, a workman, Stepan Khalturin, blew up the imperial dining room at the Winter Palace. The police seemed powerless against Narodnaya Volya’s Executive Committee, which directed the blows, and the government asked the loyal elements of public opinion for support. The answer was given, in the name of the Chernigov zemstvo, by Ivan I. Petrunkevich. He said that no cooperation was possible with the government as long as public opinion was stifled. The Tver zemstvo, led by Fedor Rodichev, asked the emperor to “give us what he gave to Bulgaria” (that is, a constitution and political freedom).
After the Winter Palace explosion a supreme commission was appointed under the chairmanship of Mikhail Tariyelovich, Count Loris-Melikov, who was given a sort of dictatorial power. Loris-Melikov’s design was to isolate revolutionary elements by concessions to the liberals and, after exterminating the revolutionaries, to summon a sort of consultative assembly. He submitted to the emperor, on February 21 (February 9, Old Style), 1881, a proposal to appoint two drafting committees for administrative and financial reforms and to submit their drafts to a general commission, where experts chosen by the zemstvos and municipalities should also be heard (two from each). The respective laws would be issued in the ordinary way by the Council of State, but 15 delegates should be admitted to its session. It did not at all look like a constitution, but it might have served as an introduction to it. Fate decided otherwise: on the very day that he signed Loris-Melikov’s project, March 13 (March 1, Old Style), 1881, Alexander was assassinated by Narodnaya Volya revolutionaries, led by Sofia Lvovna Perovskaya.