Acidity | chemistry | Britannica

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  • effect of buffer solutions
    • Relation between pH and composition for a number of commonly used buffer systems.

      In buffer

      …the ionization constant of acetic acid and the expressions in brackets are the concentrations of the respective substances. The hydrogen ion concentration of the buffer solution is dependent on the relative amounts of acetic acid and acetate ion (or sodium acetate) present, known as the buffer ratio. The addition of…

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  • solutions
    • water rapids, Niagara Falls, Canada

      In water: Acid-base reactions

      …common method for specifying the acidity of a solution is its pH, which is defined in terms of the hydrogen ion concentration: pH = −log [H+], where the symbol log stands for a base-10 logarithm. In pure water, in which [H+] = 1.0 × 10−7 M, the pH = 7.0.…

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property of

    • carboxylic acids
      • oxidation of alcohols

        In carboxylic acid: Acidity

        The most important property of carboxylic acids, and the one that is responsible for naming them such, is their acidity. An acid is any compound that donates a hydrogen ion, H+ (also called a proton), to another compound, termed a base. Carboxylic acids do…

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    • fruits
    • oxides
      • iron oxide

        In oxide: Metal oxides

        Acidity increases with increasing oxidation number of the element. For example, of the five oxides of manganese, MnO (in which manganese has an oxidation state of +2) is the least acidic and Mn2O7 (which contains Mn7+) the most acidic. Oxides of the transition metals with…

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    • phenols
      • phenol-formaldehyde resin

        In phenol: Acidity of phenols

        Although phenols are often considered simply as aromatic alcohols, they do have somewhat different properties. The most obvious difference is the enhanced acidity of phenols. Phenols are not as acidic as carboxylic acids, but they are much more acidic than aliphatic alcohols,…

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    role in

      • food processing
        • autoxidation

          In food preservation: Concentration of moist foods

          Foods with substantial acidity, when concentrated to 65 percent or more soluble solids, may be preserved by mild heat treatments. High acid content is not a requirement for preserving foods concentrated to over 70 percent solids.

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      • fruit preservation
        • lime processing

          In fruit processing: Fruit preservation

          The premier role of acidity in preservation is to stop bacterial growth. Second, increased acidity can activate chemical reactions such as pectin set, which lowers water activity and reduces the possibility of microbial growth.

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      • fruit preserves
        • lime processing

          In fruit processing: Fruit preserves, jams, and jellies

          …a successful preserve are sugar, acid, and pectin. These three ingredients lower the pH of the preserve and bind available water, thus creating an environment in which the growth of microorganisms is retarded. In some cases the fruit can provide all the pectin and acid that are needed. If the…

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      • plant nutrition
        • blight

          In plant disease: Adverse environment

          In acidic soils some nutrients are far more available and may reach concentrations that are toxic or that inhibit absorption of other nutrients, while other minerals become chemically bound and unavailable to plants. A similar situation exists in alkaline soils, although different minerals are affected. Oats…

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