Gauge boson | physics | Britannica
Learn about this topic in these articles:
electroweak theory
In subatomic particle: Finding the messenger particlesIn addition to the Higgs boson, or bosons, electroweak theory also predicts the existence of an electrically neutral carrier for the weak force. This neutral carrier, called the Z0, should mediate the neutral current interactions—weak interactions in which electric charge is not transferred…
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quantum chromodynamics
- In quantum chromodynamics
…described in QED as the “force-carrier” particle that mediates or transmits the electromagnetic force. By analogy with QED, quantum chromodynamics predicts the existence of force-carrier particles called gluons, which transmit the strong force between particles of matter that carry “colour,” a form of strong “charge.” The strong force is therefore…
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subatomic particles and fundamental forces
In subatomic particle: The basic forces and their messenger particlesThe previous section of this article presented an overview of the basic issues in particle physics, including the four fundamental interactions that affect all of matter. In this section the four interactions, or basic forces, are treated in greater detail. Each force is…
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