Umpire | sports | Britannica

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contribution by Klem

  • Klem, Bill

    In Bill Klem

    …considered by many the greatest umpire of all time. Klem is credited with the introduction of hand and arm signals to indicate calls of pitched balls and strikes and foul and fair batted balls. He was also famous for his practice of drawing a line in the dirt with his…

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function in baseball

  • An international game

    In baseball: Umpires

    Umpires control the game. One behind home plate calls balls and strikes on the batter, determines whether a batter has been hit by a pitch or has interfered with the catcher (or vice versa), and calls runners safe or out at home plate. He…

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organization in baseball

  • An international game

    In baseball: Labour issues

    …the game, players, managers, and umpires. The players had begun to organize as early as 1885, when a group of New York Giants formed the National Brotherhood of Base Ball Players, a benevolent and protective association. Under the leadership of John Montgomery Ward, who had a law degree and was…

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