A Trip to the Moon | film by Méliès [1902] | Britannica

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discussed in biography

  • Georges Méliès

    In Georges Méliès

    …Voyage dans la lune (1902; A Trip to the Moon), Le Voyage à travers l’impossible (1904; The Voyage Across the Impossible), and Hamlet (1908). He also filmed studio reconstructions of news events as an early kind of newsreel. It never occurred to him to move the camera for close-ups or…

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film design

  • Doctor Zhivago

    In film: Film design

    …Voyage dans da Lune (1902; A Trip to the Moon), in which humans land on the Moon and encounter alien creatures. Miracles can be achieved in film, either in the colossal form of the crossing of the Red Sea by the children of Israel in Cecil B. DeMille’s epic The…

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movie history