Ada | novel by Nabokov | Britannica

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alternate histories

  • starship Enterprise

    In science fiction: Alternate histories and parallel universes

    …Vladimir Nabokov’s involved and elegant Ada (1969). Alternate histories tend to cluster around particularly dramatic and colourful junctures of history, with World War II and the American Civil War as particular favourites. Some ventured farther out, postulating a global Roman Empire or a world in which dinosaurs avoided extinction.

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discussed in biography

importance of setting

  • To the Lighthouse

    In novel: Scene, or setting

    …the Russian expatriate Vladimir Nabokov’s Ada (1969) there is an entirely new space–time continuum, and the English scholar J.R.R. Tolkien in his Lord of the Rings (1954–55) created an “alternative world” that appeals greatly to many who are dissatisfied with the existing one. The world of interplanetary travel was imaginatively…

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  • To the Lighthouse

    In novel: Fantasy and prophecy

    …but works such as Nabokov’s Ada, Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, and Christine Brooke-Rose’s Out (1964) represent legitimate and heartening stretching of the imagination, assurances that the novelist has the right to create worlds, as well as characters, of his own. However, the dystopian novel can have a salutary…

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  • In setting

    …author’s imagination: in Vladimir Nabokov’s Ada (1969), for example, there is an entirely new space-time continuum, and in The Lord of the Rings (1954–55) J.R.R. Tolkien created an “alternative world” in his Middle Earth.

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