Black Mountain College | Black Mountain, NC, USA | Britannica

Black Mountain College, experimental liberal arts college in Black Mountain, North Carolina, U.S. (about 20 miles [32 km] east of Asheville), founded in 1933 by scholars John Andrew Rice and Theodore Dreier. In little more than two decades, the college proved a wide-reaching influence on the larger arts landscape. Its well-known faculty and students included Josef and Anni Albers, Lyonel Feininger, Willem and Elaine de Kooning, Robert Rauschenberg, and Ruth Asawa.

In 1933 Rice—a well-respected if somewhat radical professor of classics—was dismissed from his position at Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida, over differences of opinion with the college’s administration regarding academic freedom. He and Dreier, another faculty member, and some of their students left for a remote area of North Carolina to start a progressive liberal-arts school and community where learning and living would be intertwined. In fall 1933 they opened the college with a student body of 26. They resided in buildings leased from the Blue Ridge Assembly conference centre among the Black Mountains of North Carolina. Though the founders did not construct a traditional administration, Rice served as the college’s first “rector,” or head of school, from 1934 to 1938. The college, however, was owned and operated entirely by the faculty. The mission of the college placed equal importance on academics, work, play, and community. Ideally, with equal emphasis placed on all facets of the experience, students would receive a well-rounded education. Black Mountain also eschewed the conventional grading system, though there were oral and comprehensive exams, and the courses were rigorous.

During its first years the college attracted and recruited as faculty many European refugees who were fleeing the increasingly oppressive atmosphere in academic and arts institutions during Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. The Alberses—who had been at the Bauhaus in Dessau, Germany, until it was shut down by the Nazis—went to Black Mountain College for its inaugural year. Josef Albers taught design, drawing, and painting, and Anni taught weaving and textile design. The college moved to a new site in 1941 at nearby Lake Eden, and, as part of the work program, the faculty and student body constructed new buildings designed by A. Lawrence Kocher.

Beginning in 1944 Black Mountain held summer institutes for the arts, which attracted artists, authors, musicians, and thinkers as faculty. Some notable summer teachers included composer Arnold Schoenberg, art critic Clement Greenberg, photographer and curator Beaumont Newhall and his wife photography critic Nancy Newhall, painters Feininger, Ben Shahn, Franz Kline, Jack Tworkov, Robert Motherwell, and Amedée Ozenfant, Bauhaus architect Walter Gropius, and choreographer Merce Cunningham. Those short-term residencies produced many highly creative and influential works. Buckminster Fuller, for example, taught at Black Mountain during the summers of 1948 and 1949. There, with his students, he developed the groundbreaking design for the geodesic dome and constructed the prototype. In the summer of 1952, while avant-garde composer John Cage was on the faculty at Black Mountain, he staged the first Happening, a type of cultural event that took hold in the avant-garde arts scene thereafter.

In 1949 several leading faculty members left the college over divergent opinions on the direction of the school’s curriculum, the Alberses and Dreier (who wanted a focused arts curriculum versus a broader liberal arts one) among them. Literary theorist and poet Charles Olson went to Black Mountain in 1951 and remained there in an administrative role until the college closed in 1956–57. Poets Robert Duncan and Robert Creeley also joined the faculty, and the latter established and served as the editor of the Black Mountain Review (1954–57), a literary journal that published experimental poetry, including works by the Beat poets. Severely underfunded, the college closed in March 1957.

Though it was never accredited and it enrolled no more than 1,200 students in its 24-year history, Black Mountain College established itself as a highly reputable institute of higher learning as well as a haven for and incubator of some of the world’s most-creative minds. The coming together of those minds in that place at that time left a long-lasting impression on the arts. In 1993 the Black Mountain College Museum and Arts Center opened in downtown Asheville, North Carolina. It holds an archive and examines the college’s legacy through exhibitions, lecture series, and academic conferences. Though lesser known, Black Mountain College had an influence and a legacy in the arts that were similar to those of the Bauhaus.

Naomi Blumberg