Hair | film by Forman [1979] | Britannica

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choreography by Tharp

  • Twyla Tharp

    In Twyla Tharp

    …for motion pictures such as Hair (1979), Ragtime (1981), and Amadeus (1984) and for Broadway musical theatre productions such as The Catherine Wheel (1981; music by David Byrne), Movin’ Out (2002–05; music by Billy Joel), The Times They Are A-Changin’

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discussed in biography

  • Miloš Forman

    In Miloš Forman

    Hair (1979) was Forman’s much-anticipated version of the Broadway musical, but it was a disappointment at the box office, despite receiving generally positive reviews. The director then made Ragtime (1981), a handsomely mounted, expensive adaptation of E.L. Doctorow’s best-selling novel about early 20th-century America. The…

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role of Ray

  • filming of Rebel Without a Cause

    In Nicholas Ray: Later films

    …a part in Milos Forman’s Hair (1979). Just before his death after a 10-year battle with cancer, Ray appeared in Wenders’s Lightning over Water (1980), a moving record of his last months. For periods in his life Ray wore a signature patch over one eye, though it may have been…

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