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- destruction of Liao dynasty
- In Liao dynasty
…destroyed in 1125 by the Juchen (Chinese: Nüzhen, or Ruzhen) tribes, who had formerly been subjects of the Khitan and who rose in rebellion against them with the aid of the Song. The Juchen went on to defeat the Song and, as the Jin dynasty (1115–1234), establish rule over North…
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- In Liao dynasty
- leadership of Nurhachi
association with
- Huizong
- In Huizong
…formed an alliance with the Juchen (Chinese: Nüzhen, or Ruzhen) tribes of Manchuria (now the Northeast region of China). The resulting victory over the Liao was wholly illusory, since it was the Juchen who turned out to be the real menace. In mounting crisis, Huizong abdicated in 1125/26 in favour…
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- In Huizong
- Manchus
- In Manchu
…the 10th century ad as Juchen (Nüzhen in Pinyin). These Juchen established a kingdom of some extent and importance in Manchuria, and by ad 1115 their dynasty (called Jin in Chinese records) had secured control over northeastern China. The kingdom was annihilated by the Mongols in 1234, and the surviving…
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- In Manchu
- Qinzong
- In Qinzong
…of an invasion by the Juchen tribes. The invasion was halted when the Chinese agreed to a large cession of territory and a huge indemnity, but the Juchen renewed their attack two years later, capturing the capital and taking the Qinzong emperor and his father prisoner. Qinzong’s brother, Zhao Gou,…
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- In Qinzong
role in
In China: The JuchenThe Liao were eventually overthrown by the Juchen (Pinyin: Nüchen), another seminomadic and semipastoral people who originated in Manchuria, swept across northern China, ended the Bei Song, and established the Jin dynasty (1115–1234). This new and much larger empire in northern China followed the…
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- Beijing
In Beijing: The early empires…the mid-12th century, when the Juchen, a Tungus people from eastern Manchuria, defeated the Liao and established the state of Jin, the Liao capital was rebuilt as the new Jin capital and renamed Zhongdu (“Central Capital”). Zhongdu under the rule of the Juchen was constructed on a larger scale, with…
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- Manchuria
In Manchuria: Manchuria to about 1900…among these rebels were the Juchen tribes, a group of Tungus peoples who lived beyond the Liao frontier but were in a tributary relationship to the Liao court.
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- Qing dynasty
In China: The rise of the Manchu…1911/12, were descendants of the Juchen (Nüzhen) tribes who had ruled northern China as the Jin dynasty in the 12th century. From the 15th century they had paid tribute to the Ming and were organized under the commandery system, so they had long had extensive and regular contact with the…
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- Song dynasty
- In Gaozong
…South China when the nomadic Juchen tribesmen overran North China and captured Gaozong’s father, the abdicated Bei (Northern) Song emperor Huizong (reigned 1100–1125/26), and Gaozong’s brother, the emperor Qinzong (1125/26–27). Gaozong reestablished the dynasty in the South with greatly reduced territory in 1127. The Juchen had pursued him, but the…
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In China: Decline and fall…allied itself with the expanding Juchen from Manchuria, and made a concerted attack on the Liao. The Song commander, contrary to long-held prohibition, was a favored eunuch; under him and other unworthy generals, military expenditures ran high, but army morale was low. The fall of Liao was cause for court…
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In Chinese painting: Song (960–1279), Liao (907–1125), and Jin (1115–1234) dynastiesWhen in 1114 the Juchen Tatars in the far northwest revolted against the Khitan, the Chinese army helped the rebels destroy their old enemy. The Juchen then turned on the Song: they invaded China, besieged the capital in 1126, and took as prisoner the emperor Qinzong, the emperor emeritus…
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- In Gaozong
- Yuan dynasty
In China: The Mongol conquest of China…the Jin state of the Juchen in northern China. At that time the situation of Jin was precarious. The Juchen were exhausted by a costly war (1206–08) against their hereditary enemies, the Nan (Southern) Song. Discontent among the non-Juchen elements of the Jin population (Chinese and Khitan) had increased, and…
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- Central Asia
In history of Central Asia: The Khitans…they were ousted by the Juchen, also originating in Manchuria, who founded the Jin (Juchen) dynasty (1115–1234) of northern China, which was in turn replaced by that of yet another Altaic people, the Mongols. Cathay, an early Western denomination of China, derives from the name Khitan (Khitai). The spread of…
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- Eurasian Steppe
In the Steppe: Emergence of bureaucratic states…successors in northern China, the Juchen, set up a command structure on bureaucratic principles. The Juchen rulers divided their army into tens, hundreds, and thousands and put appointed officers over each unit. Consequently, among the Juchen, hereditary tribal standing did not necessarily coincide with ascribed military rank. For a brave…
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- Mongolia
In Mongolia: Ethnography and early tribal history…over and extended by the Juchen (Jürched), a Tungus people based farther north in northeastern China. They took the Chinese name of Jin (“Golden”). In their tribal policy they switched their favour from “All the Mongols” to the Tatars (known in the West as Tartars, from a medieval pun on…
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