Oberon | opera by Weber | Britannica

Learn about this topic in these articles:

discussed in biography

  • Weber, Carl Maria von

    In Carl Maria von Weber

    In form, Oberon was little to his taste, having too many spoken scenes and elaborate stage devices for a composer who had always worked for the unification of the theatrical arts in opera. But into it he poured some of his most exquisite music, and he traveled…

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German Romantic opera

  • Il trovatore

    In opera: German Romantic opera

    Weber’s other operas—Euryanthe (1823) and Oberon, or The Elf King’s Oath, (1826)—did not meet with such success, in part because of the fantastic nature of their librettos and in part because Romantic critics looked down on singspiel. (Oberon exhibits the distinctive feature of singspiel: spoken dialogue interspersed with singing.) The…

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