Cohen | Jewish Priesthood, Priestly Lineage & History | Britannica
Also spelled:
- kohen (Hebrew: “priest”)
- cohanim, or cohens
cohen, Jewish priest, one who is a descendant of Zadok, founder of the priesthood of Jerusalem when the First Temple was built by Solomon (10th century bc) and through Zadok related to Aaron, the first Jewish priest, who was appointed to that office by his younger brother, Moses. Though laymen such as Gideon, David, and Solomon offered sacrifice as God commanded, the Hebrew priesthood was hereditary in biblical times and was transmitted exclusively to male descendants of Aaron of the tribe of Levi.
In Old Testament times the Hebrew high priest (kohen gadol) headed a priestly hierarchy in Jerusalem. He had many privileges but was also bound by numerous restrictions. Until the time of King Josiah (7th century bc), the high priest was anointed with oil before assuming office, and he alone could enter the Holy of Holies once a year to offer sacrifice on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).
Of lesser rank were his deputy and the military chaplain, who accompanied troops into battle. Other priests had charge of Temple finances or assumed administrative functions connected with the Temple, such as assigning duties to the lowest rank of priests (the cohanim), who, divided into 24 groups, took turns serving in the Temple. The Jewish priesthood reached its apogee during the period of the Second Temple.
During the post-Temple era, all priestly functions were necessarily curtailed, and priests lost most of their prerogatives. In the Diaspora, rabbis replaced the cohanim as teachers and authorities on the Law, but the priesthood does not pertain to them. It belongs by right of blood to cohanim, who trace their lineage back to Aaron. The surnames of many cohanim (e.g., Cohen, Cowen, Kahn, etc.) indicate their status. Cohanim are granted first preference in the synagogue in the reading of the Torah and pronounce the priestly blessing over the congregation on festivals. They also officiate at the ritual whereby a father redeems his firstborn son with an offering of five silver coins (usually returned as a gift to the child). A cohen must also preserve his ritual purity by avoiding contact with the dead and hence may not attend funerals, except those of close relatives. There are also certain restrictions regarding marriage. Rules and privileges pertaining to cohanim are disregarded by Reform Judaism.