History of Croatia | Britannica

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  • major treatment
    • Croatia

      In Croatia: History of Croatia

      The territory of Croatia bridges the central European and Mediterranean worlds, and its history has been marked by this position as a borderland. It lay near the division between the two halves of the Roman Empire and between their Byzantine and Frankish successors.…

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  • Carolingians
    • Hungary

      In Hungary: Origins of the Magyars

      ” One of these, Croatia, which extended as far north as the Sava River, made itself fully independent in 869. Another, Moravia, extended as far east as the Gran, or Garam (Hron), River and openly defied its Carolingian overlord. (Later research has suggested that this 9th-century Moravia may have…

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  • France
    • In Treaty of Schönbrunn

      …of the treaty, France received Fiume, Istria, and Trieste, part of Croatia, and most of Carinthia and Carniola; Russia, having backed Napoleon, received the Tarnopol section of East Galicia; the Grand Duchy of Warsaw obtained West Galicia, with

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  • Hungary
    • Hungary

      In Hungary: The Dual Monarchy, 1867–1918

      …should include a revised Hungaro-Croatian agreement and provisions guaranteeing adequate rights for the non-Magyars of Hungary. The Croatian settlement, known as the Nagodba (1868), left Croatia, including Slavonia, as part of the Hungarian crown, under a ban appointed on the proposal of the Hungarian prime minister. Croatia was to…

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    • Hungary

      In Hungary: War and renewed defeat

      >Croatia had declared its independence (April 10) and then, arguing that Yugoslavia had already disintegrated, occupied the ex-Hungarian areas of Yugoslavia.

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  • international law
    • Jeremy Bentham

      In international law: Creation of states

      Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina were also recognized as new states by much of the international community in 1992, though at the time neither was able to exercise any effective control over significant parts of its territory. Although independence is required, it need not be…

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  • Nagodba
    • In Nagodba

      Croatia’s political status as a territory of Hungary until the end of World War I. When the Ausgleich, or Compromise, of 1867 created the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy, Croatia, which was part of the Habsburg empire, was merged with Slavonia and placed under Hungarian jurisdiction. Although…

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  • North Atlantic Treaty Organization


  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    In 20th-century international relations: The Balkans

    …presidents of the six republics—Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia, and Montenegro—failed to revive a loose confederation. On June 25, 1991, Croatia declared independence, and the fighting spread.

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  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Dayton Accords
    • Dayton Accords

      In Dayton Accords: The outbreak of war

      After Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina declared their independence from Yugoslavia, ethnic Serbs, who opposed the breakup of Serb-dominated Yugoslavia, launched armed struggles to carve out separate Serb-controlled territories in both areas. Around the same time, Croats and Bosniaks (Bosnian Muslims) also began fighting each other,…

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  • Serbia
    • Serbia

      In Serbia: The scramble for the Balkans

      … to Vienna while subordinating civil Croatia and Slavonia to Budapest. In the latter regions Croats were exposed to a regime of Magyarization, which in turn stimulated Croat nationalism. The old Military Frontier, with its large Serb population, was abolished in 1881, bringing the Serbs into an expanded civil Croatia. In…

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    • Serbia

      In Serbia: The disintegration of the federation

      …to secure a union between Croatia and Croat-majority areas of the republic, and a secessionist Serb army. The destructive use of ethnic cleansing (the effort to establish an ethnically homogenous area by forcibly expelling a particular ethnic group) by irregular Serb troops to consolidate strongholds in places with a previously…

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  • Yugoslavia
    • Yugoslavia, 1919–92

      In Yugoslavia

      >Croatia, North Macedonia, and Slovenia. The “third Yugoslavia,” inaugurated on April 27, 1992, had roughly 45 percent of the population and 40 percent of the area of its predecessor and consisted of only two republics, Serbia and Montenegro, which agreed to abandon the name Yugoslavia…

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World War II

  • World War II: Germany invading Poland

    In World War II: Central Europe and the Balkans, 1940–41

    Yugoslavia was completely dissolved: Croatia, the independence of which had been proclaimed on April 10, 1941, was expanded to form Great Croatia, which included Srem (Syrmia, the zone between the Sava and the Danube south of the Drava confluence) and Bosnia and Hercegovina; most of Dalmatia was annexed to…

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  • Axis powers
    • Axis leaders Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini

      In Axis powers

      …the wartime breakup of Yugoslavia, Croatia (June 1941). Finland, although it did not formally join the Tripartite Pact, cooperated with the Axis because of its opposition to the Soviet Union (to which Finland had been forced to cede territory in 1940) and entered the war in 1941.

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