Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches
Home Page
This website "Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches" currently has information and photos about 1675 windows in 287 churches and chapels within the historic boundaries of Buckinghamshire.
Index Tabs at the top of all pages lead to the following:
Home Pages:
Bucks Churches - Historic Churches of Buckinghamshire Home page
Stained Glass - Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches Home page
Church Index - Churches Listed by Place Name
Craftsmen - Including Artists, Designers, Painters and Makers
Makers Marks - Makers Marks in the windows
Dedicatees - People commemorated in windows
Donors - People who gave the windows
Subjects - Portrayed in the Windows
Dates - The century or decade that the glass was made
Information Tab leads to the following:
Introduction - Website history, objectives, & Buckinghamshire boundaries
Notes on Use - Using this website, and information shown for each window
Glossary - Glossary of Terms used on this website
Changes - List of recent changes and additions made to this website
Statistics - Some fact and figures about this website
References - Books and Archives about stained glass
Links - Other websites that feature stained glass of churches
Contact Us - For any comments on this website
The original website was established by Clifford and Monica Robinson, using the results of their meticulous research work, and was available at from 2003 to 2014.
In November 2015 this website re-instated the Robinson's work onto the internet. On 23rd April 2016 this website was relaunched in a revised format based on live information from a new database. In the future we will be adding more churches, chapels, windows and photographs.
The "Stained Glass of Buckinghamshire Churches" web site will partner historical and architectural information about the churches of Buckinghamshire on via the "HOME" tab.