"Fallon" Is Facing Backlash For Having Addison Rae Show Viral TikTok Dances Mainly Made By Black Creators

  • ️@jokictasha
  • ️Sun Mar 28 2021
  • Viral badge

Here's Why "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon" Is Facing Backlash For Its TikTok Dance Segment With Addison Rae

"Addison has been catapulted to being the face of viral dances created by mostly Black TikTokers."

People took to Twitter to call out the show for not properly crediting the creators of the dances, many of whom are Black.

Some highlighted the missed opportunity for the original Black creators:

@jimmyfallon @whoisaddison This would have been the perfect opportunity for you to lead by example and in giving Black creators their due credit. This opportunity could have been huge for them. But no, you chose to display a white girl who's already got a damn career doing this shit. This sucks, do better

05:16 AM - 28 Mar 2021

Twitter: @ginfueledbrat

This is why I bang on EVERYBODY about the economics and race of social media “Tik tok dances” the names of the artists not there The actual choreographers not there She’s on national television but where are the Black kids who actually made these

03:01 PM - 28 Mar 2021

Twitter: @Blackamazon

And others did what the show didn't, and stressed the names of the choreographers:

If people are wanting to know the creators of each: Noah Schnapp - do it again Keara Wilson - savage yvnggprince - corvette corvette Jason Derulo - savage love 2flyymy - Laffy taffy macdaddyz - blinding lights

05:37 AM - 28 Mar 2021

Twitter: @55mmbae

The YouTube video of the segment currently has the TikTok handles of the creators in the description — although it's not clear whether the list has always been attached to the video or whether it was a reactionary move — but some criticized Fallon for not featuring them on the show:

This is the second time Fallon has done the segment, with Charli D'Amelio previously showing Jimmy the dances.

Black creators not getting credit for their dances on TikTok is unfortunately not a new problem. A viral video can be what launches your career, but it's often white creators who get the fame and money for dances that were not created by them. Addison reportedly earns around $5 million a year and was on the show promoting her debut single.