Date | From | To |
unknown | | | Sons of Charity
| Approbation |
unknown | | | Pontifical Commission for Sacred Art, Roman Curia
| Established |
10 Jan | Archdiocese of Palermo, Italy (Borgo Molara, Olio di Lino, Corso Calatafimi, and Malpasso)
| Territory Lost | Diocese of Mondovi, Italy
| Territory Added |
10 Jan | Diocese of Mondovi, Italy (Pietratagliata)
| Territory Lost | Archdiocese of Palermo, Italy
| Territory Added |
29 Jan | Prefecture Apostolic of Koango o Kwango, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Ndolo)
Archdiocese of Makassar, Indonesia (Kinshasa)
| Territory Lost | Vicariate Apostolic of Léopoldville, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
| Territory Added |
31 Jan | Vicariate Apostolic of Canton [Guangzhou], China (Saining, Loting, Wanfau, Yeung-lcong, Sinyi, Timpale, Maoming, Sanning, Tehek-Tcai, and Sanwui, including the island of Sancian)
| Territory Lost | Prefecture Apostolic of Kongmoon [Jiangmen], China
| Erected |
1 Feb | Diocese of Belo Horizonte, Brazil
| Elevated | Archdiocese of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
| Elevated |
1 Feb | Archdiocese of Mariana, Minas Gerais, Brazil
| Territory Lost | Diocese of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
| Erected |
1 Feb | | | Diocese of Aterrado, Brazil (from Mariana)
| Metropolitan Changed |
1 Feb | | | Diocese of Guaxupé, Minas Gerais, Brazil (from Mariana)
| Metropolitan Changed |
1 Feb | | | Diocese of Uberaba, Brazil (from Mariana)
| Metropolitan Changed |
11 Feb | Vicariate Apostolic of Nouvelle-Anvers, Congo (Dem. Rep.) (Thsuapa)
| Territory Lost | Prefecture Apostolic of Tsuapa, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
| Erected |
14 Mar | Archdiocese of Guadalajara, Jalisco, México (Encarnación and Teocaltiche along with El Bajío, Michoacanejo, and Belén and S. Sebastiano)
| Territory Lost | Diocese of Aguascalientes, México
| Territory Added |
15 Apr | Prefecture Apostolic of Western Uélé {Uélé Occidental}, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
| Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Western Uélé {Uélé Occidental}, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
| Elevated |
15 Apr | Vicariate Apostolic of Southwestern Chi-Li {Ce-Li Meridio-Occidentale}, China (ShentseJi)
Vicariate Apostolic of Central Chi-Li {Ce-Li Centrale}, China (Shulu, AnMvo, Poye, Lihsien, and Kaoyang)
| Territory Lost | Prefecture Apostolic of Lihsien, China
| Erected |
16 Apr | Prefecture Apostolic of Caquetá, Colombia (Area within Ecuador)
| Territory Lost | Vicariate Apostolic of Napo, Ecuador
| Territory Added |
16 Apr | Vicariate Apostolic of Napo, Ecuador (Area contained by the rivers Sucumbios, Aguarieo, and Napo, and also by the civil boundaries between Ecuador and Colombia)
| Territory Lost | Prefecture Apostolic of San Miguel de Sucumbíos, Ecuador
| Erected |
6 May | Prefecture Apostolic of Eastern Uélé {Uélé Orientale}, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
| Elevated | Vicariate Apostolic of Eastern Uélé {Uélé Orientale}, Congo (Dem. Rep.)
| Elevated |
8 May | Ordinariate of United States of America (Ukrainian), Pennsylvania
| Elevated | Apostolic Exarchate of United States of America (Ukrainian), Pennsylvania
| Elevated |
8 May | | | Apostolic Exarchate of United States of America (Ruthenian), Pennsylvania
| Erected |
4 Jun | Eparchy of Mukachevo (Munkács) (Ruthenian), Ukraine
Eparchy of Prešov (Prjašev, Eperjes) (Slovak), Slovakia
| Territory Lost | Apostolic Exarchate of Miskolc (Hungarian), Hungary
| Erected |
12 Jun | Archdiocese of Cartagena, Colombia (San Benito (Punta de Blanco and Santiago), Caimito (Los Cayos and Mamón), San Marcos (La Flores, Cuenca, M Pital, Candelaria, M Limón, and El Tablón), and part of Ayapel (Cecilia, Cintura, and Vré))
| Territory Lost | Prefecture Apostolic of Sinú, Colombia
| Erected |