Route du Rhum 2014: Multis Entry List - Catamaran Racing , News & Design

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  • ️Fri May 24 2019

Images: Spindrift by CSN / Prince de Bretagne by Marcel Mochet / Sodebo by Yvan Zeda / BPVII & Happy by Christophe Launay /  Gitana MOD70 by Yvan Zeda /  IDEC by
Loick Peyron will not sail by sextant the vintage ‘Happy’ (Walter Green designed wooden Tri, pic by Launay above) this 2014 edition, he will race BPVII as the original skipper Armel Le Cléac’h was injured weeks ago.

Loick will compete against some fellow French sailors like Energy teammate Yann Guichard, Francis Joyon and others. Peyron will try to grab a title pending for him. Spindrift video on Yann Guichard solo handling the 40mts beast Here. Check boats and skippers table below,  source by Route de Rhum 2014:
Route du Rhum-Destination Guadeloupe 2014 showed in 4 groups :

1/ Le Maxi Spindrift 2 –  Yann Guichard, 40mts Trimaran , ex BPV , biggest Tri ever built 131′-

2/ 100  Trimarans:

– Banque Populaire VII (Winner Route du Rhum 2010) Loïck Peyron, 

– Idec Sport , Francis Joyon  

– Sodebo Ultim’ , Thomas Coville.

3/ Maxi80 Prince de Bretagne, 80′ ,  Lionel Lemonchois.

4/ MOD 70 adapted to Solo Racing:

– Multi70 Edmond de Rothschild, Sébasien Josse, 

– Musandam Oman Sail, Sidney Gavignet 

– Paprec Recyclage, Yann Eliès.

Boat Lenght Width Weight Mex Sail Surface
Maxi Spindrift 2     40 23 21 804
Banque Populaire VII  31,5 22,5 18 678
Sodebo Ultim    31 21,2 NC 663
Idec     29,7 16,5 11 520
Maxi 80 Prince de Bretagne     24 18,2 7,2 441
Multi 70 Edmond de Rotschild   21,2 16,8 6,3 409
Musandam Oman Sail  21,2 16,8 6,3 409
Paprec Recyclage    21,2 16,8 6,3 409