
Batman's Most Disturbed Villain Knows the Dark Knight's Biggest Secret

  • ️@samstoneshow
  • ️Fri Mar 27 2020


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WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Detective Comics #1021, by Peter J. Tomasi, Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessey, Brad Anderson and Rob Leigh, on sale now.

As one of the Dark Knight's closest allies in his war on crime before his own tragic transformation into the twisted Two-Face, Harvey Dent is one of the most personal foes in Batman's entire rogues' gallery. The New 52 introduced the idea that Bruce Wayne and Harvey even attended the same private school together as they were growing up in Gotham City before Bruce departed to train to become the ultimate crimefighter.

Now, Detective Comics #1021 confirms that one major element from the old friends' New 52 dynamic remains during the DC Rebirth era: Harvey Dent knows that Bruce Wayne is Batman.

The current Detective Comics storyline has had Two-Face steadily built up his own cult of dueling personalities, each one fervently willing to exercise lethal force for its dual identity leader. One side is inspired by Harvey, eradicating the streets of Gotham of any crime, often through extreme methods. The other is inspired by Two-Face, willing to stir up chaos for the scarred villain. While the largely moralistic Harvey may have tenuous control of himself for the moment, this -- and his knowledge of Batman's secret -- run the risk of coming to an end.

Batman Two-Face Secret Identity 1

Harvey confronts Batman at the entrance to the Batcave confirming that he does indeed still know Batman and Bruce are one and the same, having watched Bruce grow up into the Caped Crusader and correctly deduce his true identity. As Batman and Harvey join forces to stop Two-Face's assembled cult before further blood can be spilled in service to their split master, Harvey makes another massive revelation about his dual personalities: While Harvey is aware of Batman's secret, Two-Face is not.

Harvey has steadily felt his control over himself erode to the more volatile Two-Face for some time. This leaves every secret that Harvey has intentionally kept from his darker, evil half -- including the knowledge that Batman is Bruce -- at risk of exposure to one of Gotham's most twisted villains. As Batman urges Harvey to maintain his composure and control over Two-Face, he leaves the former Gotham District Attorney behind in the Batmobile as he seeks to confront Two-Face's cult in their secret hideout.

While Harvey is successful at staying in control for a moment following Batman's departure, Two-Face inevitably assumes control of his body. Proving that Batman's secret is still safe for now, Two-Face is stunned to find himself inside of the Batmobile before emerging to confront the Caped Crusader himself, apparently none the wiser of Harvey's entire interaction with the Dark Knight or the secrets that he holds. This may prove temporary as the two psyches within the same body continue to battle for control, with Harvey continuing to lose the fight against Two-Face.

With Two-Face unaware of Harvey's activities, the scarred villain has gained a new wrinkle in his own internal dynamic. Mo longer sharing the driver's seat of their mind and body, Harvey and Two-Face operate largely without the others' knowledge or access to their counterpart's memories. This will certainly help Batman in the latest battle against his old, persona foe but now the Dark Knight is fighting with the awareness that the truth behind his secret identity is vulnerable at any time within Harvey's mind, which makes Two-Face all even deadlier.

NEXT: Batman: Two-Face Just Became Gotham's New Anti-Christ (With a Classic Look)