CDC - NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards - Coal dust
Synonyms & Trade Names
Anthracite coal dust, Bituminous coal dust, Coal mine dust, Lignite coal dust
Exposure Limits
TWA 1 mg/m³ [measured according to MSHA method (CPSU)]
TWA 0.9 mg/m³ [measured according to ISO/CEN/ACGIH criteria]
See Appendix C (Coal Dust and Coal Mine Dust)
TWA 2.4 mg/m³ [respirable, < 5% SiO₂]
TWA (10 mg/m³)/(%SiO₂ + 2) [respirable, > 5% SiO₂]
See Appendix C (Mineral Dusts)
[Note: The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) PEL for respirable coal mine dust with < 5% silica is 2.0 mg/m³, or (10 mg/m³) / (% respirable quartz + 2) for coal dust with > 5% silica.] See Appendix G
Physical Description
Dark-brown to black solid dispersed in air.
Molecular Weight
Properties vary depending upon the specific coal type.
Combustible Solid; slightly explosive when exposed to flame.
Incompatibilities & Reactivities
Chronic bronchitis, decreased pulmonary function, emphysema
Personal Protection/Sanitation
(See protection codes)
Skin:No recommendation
Eyes:No recommendation
Wash skin:No recommendation
Remove:No recommendation
Change:No recommendation
Respirator Recommendations