
CELLS alive! Going Offline

It has been a pleasure and privilege providing CELLS alive! for thirty years. Its online presence may have ended but an offline version of the site is available below free of charge.

The offline version is a complete working site, including Ouch!, the burping macrophage, interactive animations (Cell Model, Mitosis, HowBig?), matching games, and jigsaw puzzles. Instructions for installation on your computer are in the 78mb ZIP download. Install it on classroom computers or share copies of the ZIP file with others. The online CELLS alive! was always free. Sharing the offline site with others should be free as well.

Thank you to everyone over a long and fruitful association. I wish the best for your future endeavors. And may you all discover something as fulfilling as this venture has been for me.

Download CELLS alive!

PLEASE NOTE: In a few rare instances, the ZIP downloads have been corrupted by school network firewalls making the files inoperable. If that happens, downloading outside of the school should solve the issue.

Jim Sullivan

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