Decennial Census of Population and Housing by Decades
- ️@uscensusbureau
- ️Fri Aug 04 2023
Although the U.S. Census Bureau carries out hundreds of surveys every year, its most well-known duty is still to conduct the decennial census. Census results have several high profile applications: they are used to reapportion seats in the House of Representatives, to realign congressional districts, and as a factor in the formulas that distribute trillions of dollars in federal funds each year. Because of the importance of this population count, procedural changes in the decennial census often reflect larger organizational shifts at the Census Bureau.
This section follows the evolution of the decennial census by detailing the events surrounding each of them. Political and technological changes, and the shifting public demand for information, have all shaped the modern census and the mission of the Census Bureau.
- 2030
- 2020
- 2010
- 2000
- 1990
- 1980
- 1970
- 1960
- 1950
- 1940
- 1930
- 1920
- 1910
- 1900
- 1890
- 1880
- 1870
- 1860
- 1850
- 1840
- 1830
- 1820
- 1810
- 1800
- 1790
Census Day was April 1, 2020
331,449,281 | U.S. Resident Population |
93.8 | Population per square mile of land area |
7.4 | Percent increase of population from 2010 to 2020 |
50 | Number of States |
View by Content Availability
2020 Census
The 2020 Census marked the 24th count of the U.S. population and the first time that households were invited to respond to the census online.
2020 Census Results
Learn more about the data from the 2020 Census, including detailed demographic and housing data, apportionment counts, and redistricting data.
About the 2020 Census
As mandated by the U.S. Constitution, America gets just one chance each decade to count its population. <br>Read more about the 2020 Census.
2020 Census Program Management
Planning and management information specific to the 2020 Census - timelines, cost savings, program briefings, and the 2020 Census infographic.
2020 Decennial Census Datasets
Data files, for public use, with all personally identifiable information removed to ensure confidentiality. Users analyze, extract, customize and publish stats.
2020 Decennial Census Data Tables
Stats displayed in columns and rows with title, ID, notes, sources and release date. Many tables are in downloadable XLS, CSV and PDF file formats.
2020 Decennial Census Official Publications
Official publications released by the U.S. Census Bureau have a report number and often list the lead author(s).
2020 Decennial Census Questionnaire
Learn how the Decennial Census questionnaires have changed through the decades and download questionnaires from each Census decade.
America Counts: 2020 Census Stories
See all stories on the 2020 Census, from data collection and promotion to the results of the decennial count that give us a complete portrait of America.
2020 Decennial Census Fact Sheets
Learn more about specific topics at-a-glance with Census Bureau Fact Sheets.
2020 Decennial Census Photos
Many Census Bureau photos of official events and operations are available for free download and use according our Multimedia Usage Policy.
2020 Decennial Census Videos
Watch videos related to the 2020 Decennial Census.
2020 Decennial Census Visualizations and Infographics
Data made visual with charts, tables, maps, and other graphic elements. They are often interactive and contain text for labeling, not narration.
2020 Decennial Census Working Papers
Census Bureau research made available to others to encourage discussion on a range of topics. They have not undergone official review or the editorial process.
2020 Decennial Census News
The 2020 Census hopes to provide substantial taxpayer savings while maintaining our commitment to high quality and accuracy.
2020 Census Partners
Census partners were vital to ensuring a complete and accurate count.
2020 Decennial Census Spotlights
Learn more about Census Bureau data through national events, the work of our partners, and use our social media toolkits to share.