Advisory Committees

  • ️admin
  • ️Thu Dec 19 2024
Last Updated: 18 December 2024


With the new Council for 2022 to 2026, Council Town Staff looked into a different Governance model and that is now happening.  One part of the change is that most Advisory committees were suspended although ad hoc committees may be set up with a time limited mandate. If you are interested in participating, vacancies become available from time to time and are advertised on the Town's web site. Most committee appointments are for the term of the council.  Application forms are available online. Go to this page then scroll down - note that this page also includes boards such as the Library, Police etc.  These are not discussed below - only current  "Advisory committees" are listed.

Note also:

  • A resident may make a delegation to these committees and is allowed 10 minutes.  To make a delegation request, find the committee meeting on the Escribe Agenda Page here and submit a delegation request.
  • Residents (the public) may attend these committee meetings as observers and may raise a hand and, at the discretion of the chair, may make a comment. The main point is attending as an observer. 

Advisory committees

Below is a summary of Cobourg's advisory committees (in alphabetical order).  Committees with members are shown below.  See the Town's page on committees for more info: Committees page

Accessibility Advisory Committee 

The role of the Committee is to provide sound advice and recommendations to the Cobourg Municipal Council on matters relating to the goal of ensuring that individuals with disabilities shall be assured access to basic services generally available in the community.
Meeting Dates: Third Wednesday of every month from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm 
Members:  Donna Crow, Raeanne Deschamps, Elizabeth Sheffield, Kathryn Richards, Carole Anne Bell-Smith (Chair), Cheryl Blodgett, Jerry Ford, Adam White, Councillor Aaron Burchat (Sept 2025 to November 2026), Councillor Adam Bureau (to August 2025).
Web page

Civic Awards Advisory Committee

The Town of Cobourg Civic Awards recognizes local residents who have helped benefit the community through outstanding volunteerism and community involvement. The Committee is established to submit recommendations to Council for various Civic/Municipal, Federal and Provincial awards programs.  The award event for 2024 was on 22 April - this committee is no longer active but will likely be re-activated in 2025.

Web Page

Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee

The Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee is established to advise, assist and make recommendations to Council on matters relating to the conservation of cultural heritage resources, applications for repeal of designations, construction, alterations, and removal or demolition of heritage properties and matters relating to the conservation and designation of heritage properties and districts in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act and the Town of Cobourg Heritage Master Plan.

Meeting Dates: The committee meets one Wednesday every month from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Additional meetings are scheduled as required.
Members: Graham Andrews (Chair), James Young, Elizabeth Betancourt, Kenneth Forsyth, Daniel Gaito, Robert Mikel, Councillor Brian Darling, Deputy Mayor Nicole Beatty
Web Page

Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body that holds public hearings to consider applications submitted to the Town of Cobourg Planning Department for minor variances to the Zoning By-law and consents for land severances, lot additions, rights-of-way, easements, mortgages and other interests in land for a period equal to or greater than twenty one years. The Committee operates independently from Council.
Meeting Dates: Last Tuesday of every month from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Members: Robert Marr - Chair, Peter Delanty, David Dexter, Brian Murphy, Terry Brown
Web page

Joint Municipal Election Compliance Audit Committee - not required until 2026

The Municipal Elections Act, 1996, requires that municipalities establish a committee to hear applications for compliance audits of the election campaign finances of candidates and registered third-party advertisers.
Meeting Dates. None scheduled. Information on the Committee’s meetings (including dates, location, and agendas) and decisions will be posted on the eSCRIBE Meeting Portal.
Members: Lorraine Brace, William (Bill) Graham, James Hunt, Lynn Patry, Tom Tordoff.
One Vacancy
No Web page 

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